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. 2021 Nov 25;9:725764. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.725764


Correlation analysis between m6Ascore and known gene characteristics.

CD8 T effector DNA damage repair Pan-F-TBRS Antigen processing machinery Immune checkpoint EMT1 FGFR3-related genes KEGG discovered histones Angiogenesis Fanconi anemia Cell cycle DNA replication Nucleotide excision repair Homologous recombination Mismatch repair EMT2 EMT3 WNT target Cell cycle regulators m6Ascore
CD8 T effector 1 –0.06623 0.494146 0.536072 0.598255 0.245074 0.029818 0.240562 0.269904 0.002989 0.082286 0.124355 0.016115 0.063399 0.112345 0.43682 0.198802 –0.11137 0.15242 0.10087
DNA damage repair –0.06623 1 0.024836 0.116577 –0.13442 0.011223 –0.47825 0.146823 –0.12574 0.878726 0.813629 0.824877 0.836755 0.820814 0.820688 –0.16487 0.126626 0.309855 0.441637 0.584229
Pan-F-TBRS 0.494146 0.024836 1 0.438899 0.34292 0.28936 –0.05985 0.132219 0.406115 0.066112 0.196143 0.173792 0.092248 0.129053 0.174611 0.549272 0.224397 –0.01538 0.184433 0.212418
Antigen processing machinery 0.536072 0.116577 0.438899 1 0.541629 0.187812 –0.16389 0.072601 0.167215 0.064941 0.175006 0.281397 0.277245 0.247106 0.274653 0.415263 0.053926 –0.13306 0.125629 0.203783
Immune checkpoint 0.598255 –0.13442 0.34292 0.541629 1 0.356499 –0.02195 0.269656 0.068756 –0.07124 –0.04095 0.043847 0.022381 0.054325 0.058231 0.572692 0.142592 –0.24812 0.065915 0.176486
EMT1 0.245074 0.011223 0.28936 0.187812 0.356499 1 –0.08486 0.315416 0.016401 0.093048 0.15701 0.110437 0.065016 0.118769 0.119983 0.411339 0.327001 –0.02501 0.108318 0.23616
FGFR3-related genes 0.029818 –0.47825 –0.05985 –0.16389 –0.02195 –0.08486 1 –0.03991 0.132106 –0.41741 –0.40019 –0.37222 –0.48137 –0.43936 –0.40138 0.02771 0.006555 –0.09827 –0.21446 –0.39919
KEGG discovered histones 0.240562 0.146823 0.132219 0.072601 0.269656 0.315416 –0.03991 1 –0.06394 0.250681 0.292092 0.241739 0.119934 0.21112 0.255154 0.262104 0.280397 0.079615 0.237842 0.320571
Angiogenesis 0.269904 –0.12574 0.406115 0.167215 0.068756 0.016401 0.132106 –0.06394 1 –0.14645 –0.01328 –0.05129 –0.11277 –0.15847 –0.07124 0.17815 0.284032 0.036217 0.041086 –0.03072
Fanconi anemia 0.002989 0.878726 0.066112 0.064941 –0.07124 0.093048 –0.41741 0.250681 –0.14645 1 0.833289 0.803697 0.708281 0.847198 0.793349 –0.10502 0.182189 0.282467 0.481197 0.61288
Cell cycle 0.082286 0.813629 0.196143 0.175006 –0.04095 0.15701 –0.40019 0.292092 –0.01328 0.833289 1 0.821026 0.719566 0.751727 0.824546 0.004818 0.339261 0.404269 0.545496 0.660695
DNA replication 0.124355 0.824877 0.173792 0.281397 0.043847 0.110437 –0.37222 0.241739 –0.05129 0.803697 0.821026 1 0.839333 0.868693 0.915835 0.000474 0.168178 0.170521 0.345734 0.481268
Nucleotide excision repair 0.016115 0.836755 0.092248 0.277245 0.022381 0.065016 –0.48137 0.119934 –0.11277 0.708281 0.719566 0.839333 1 0.799102 0.852096 0.00519 0.100386 0.145031 0.294501 0.518847
Homologous recombination 0.063399 0.820814 0.129053 0.247106 0.054325 0.118769 –0.43936 0.21112 –0.15847 0.847198 0.751727 0.868693 0.799102 1 0.84498 0.022523 0.072592 0.123744 0.352855 0.533086
Mismatch repair 0.112345 0.820688 0.174611 0.274653 0.058231 0.119983 –0.40138 0.255154 –0.07124 0.793349 0.824546 0.915835 0.852096 0.84498 1 0.046523 0.196592 0.158169 0.384789 0.595633
EMT2 0.43682 –0.16487 0.549272 0.415263 0.572692 0.411339 0.02771 0.262104 0.17815 –0.10502 0.004818 0.000474 0.00519 0.022523 0.046523 1 0.155017 –0.16645 0.035051 0.174384
EMT3 0.198802 0.126626 0.224397 0.053926 0.142592 0.327001 0.006555 0.280397 0.284032 0.182189 0.339261 0.168178 0.100386 0.072592 0.196592 0.155017 1 0.315586 0.322768 0.408854
WNT target –0.11137 0.309855 –0.01538 –0.13306 –0.24812 –0.02501 –0.09827 0.079615 0.036217 0.282467 0.404269 0.170521 0.145031 0.123744 0.158169 –0.16645 0.315586 1 0.386595 0.329243
Cell cycle regulators 0.15242 0.441637 0.184433 0.125629 0.065915 0.108318 –0.21446 0.237842 0.041086 0.481197 0.545496 0.345734 0.294501 0.352855 0.384789 0.035051 0.322768 0.386595 1 0.512414
m6Ascore 0.10087 0.584229 0.212418 0.203783 0.176486 0.23616 –0.39919 0.320571 –0.03072 0.61288 0.660695 0.481268 0.518847 0.533086 0.595633 0.174384 0.408854 0.329243 0.512414 1