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. 2021 Nov 24;63(1):5358. doi: 10.4102/safp.v63i1.5358


Reorganisation of services.

Question/variable Urban
n % n % n %
Are you currently triaging or managing COVID-19 cases in the facility where you are working? (n = 83)
Yes 30 61.2 17 54.8 47 56.6
No 19 31.8 14 45.2 35 42.2
Missing - - - - 1 1.2
How many PUI for COVID-19 have you had direct clinical contact with? (n = 83)
None 2 4.1 5 16.1 7 8.4
Less than 5 12 24.5 9 29.0 23 27.7
More than 5 14 28.6 2 6.5 16 19.3
Too many to count 21 42.9 15 48.4 36 43.4
Missing - - - - 1 1.2
Do you have to reorganise or change the services in the clinic because of COVID-19? (n = 83)
Yes 38 77.6 21 67.7 61 73.5
No 11 22.4 10 32.3 21 25.3
Missing - - - - 1 1.2
How are services being reorganised (n = 83)
Stable chronic patients issued multiple months’ supply of medication 27 55.1 17 54.8 44 53.0
Non-urgent appointments are postponed, and patients are given alternative dates 19 38.8 16 51.6 37 44.6
Outreach support for example to schools or the community is reduced 16 32.7 13 41.9 30 36.1
We are continuing to provide acute care (excluding COVID-19) 12 24.5 11 35.5 24 28.9
Chronic club activities are suspended 10 20.4 5 16.1 15 18.1
We are redeploying healthcare workers 6 12.2 6 19.4 12 14.5
We are not providing well-baby services such as immunisations 2 4.1 0 - 2 2.4
We are not providing female reproductive health services such as family planning and pap smears 1 2.0 1 3.2 2 2.4
We are not providing psychiatric services 1 2.0 0 0.0 1 1.2
Any other 6 12.2 2 6.5 9 10.8
Do you have any concerns about the way that the PHC services are currently organised to respond to COVID-19? (n = 83)
Yes 20 40.8 19 61.3 40 48.2
No 29 59.2 12 38.7 42 50.6
Missing - - - - 1 1.2

PHC, primary health care; PUIs, persons under investigation; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.

, Multiple response options so variables do not add up to 100%.