Expression of linc00662 and miR-199a-5p in bladder cancer (BC). A. Linc00662 was up-regulated in BC tissues (Normal =52, Tumor =104). B. The expression of linc00662 was the highest in stage III/IV BC tissues (Normal =52, Stage I/II =43, Stage III/IV =61). C. The overall 3-year survival outcome of patients with high expression of linc00662 was worse than that of patients with low expression of linc00662 (Low =52, High =52). D. miR-199a-5p was down-regulated in BC tissues (Normal =52, Tumor =104). E. The expression of miR-199a-5p was the lowest in stage III/IV BC tissues (Normal =52, Stage I/II =43, Stage III/IV =61). F. The overall 3-year survival outcome of patients with low expression of miR-199a-5p was worse than that of patients with high expression of miR-199a-5p (Low =52, High =52).