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. 2021 Nov 15;13(11):12217–12227.

Table 1.

Characteristics, results, comments and outcomes of studies included in this review

No. First author & Year of publication Type of Metabolic Syndrome Cluster Animal model & sample size (per group) Type of Stem Cell, Dosage & Delivery Method Parameters Observed Results Comments and Outcomes
1. Lee Y. (2019) [1] T2DM BALB/c mice: TMSCs BW, IPGTT, Histology, Immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and ELISA (INS, CHOL, TGL). After 10 weeks, treated mice reported, TMCS successfully improved HFD-induced GLUC intolerance by enhancing INS secretion.
▪ Male ▪ 2×106 cells/mouse ▪ BW (↓)
▪ 8 weeks old ▪ Once every 2 weeks for 10 weeks ▪ IPGTT (↑)
▪ n=10 ▪ IP injection ▪ INS (-)
2. Cao M. (2015) [2] T1DM Nude mice: Undifferentiated hFTM-PV or differentiated (EB-LCA and ILC) BW, GLUC, INS and Mortality rate. After 9 weeks, treated mice reported, Transplantation of undifferentiated and differentiated (EB-LCA and ILCS) cells of hFTM-PV alleviated STZ-induced diabetes in mice.
▪ Male ▪ Dosage not reported ▪ INS (↑)
▪ 4-6 weeks old ▪ IP injection
▪ n=8-16
3. Villani V. (2014) [5] T1DM NOD/SCID mice: AFSC GLUC, INS, IHC, H&E, RT-PCR. After 4 weeks, treated mice reported, Transplantation of AFSC can treat insulin-dependent diabetes by protection and stimulation of endogenous β-cell regeneration.
▪ Male ▪ 1×106 cells/mouse ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 4-6 weeks old ▪ Intracardiac injection ▪ INS (↑)
▪ n=5-13
4. Xiao N. (2013) [6] T1DM C57/BL6 mice: UC-MSC and CB-MNCs GLUC, H&E, IHC, PCR (human Alu). After 5 weeks, treated mice with ratio 1:4 reported, Co-transplantation of UC-MSC and CB-MNCs successfully reversed hyperglycaemia and effectively recovered pancreatic function in diabetic mice.
▪ Female ▪ three groups (ratio of 1:1, 1:4 & 1:10) ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 6-8 weeks old ▪ 1×106 cells/mouse ▪ Pancreatic islets (↑)
▪ n=8-10 ▪ IV injection
5. Bhansali S. (2015) [9] T1DM Wistar rats: BM-MSC BW, GLUC, IPGTT, H&E and IHC. After 6 weeks, BrdU-labelled BM-MSCs confirmed localization in pancreas and treated rats reported, Transplantation of BM-MSC corrected hyperglycaemia and stimulated pancreatic β-cell neogenesis.
▪ Male ▪ 4.8×106 cells/rat ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ n=6 ▪ IV injection ▪ INS (↑)
▪ Pancreatic islets (↑)
6. Kadam S. (2010) [10] T1DM BALB/C mice: PD-MSC BW, GLUC, IPGTT, INS and H&E. After 15 days, treated mice showed, Transplantation of undifferentiated PD-MSCs reversed STZ-induced hyperglycaemia and increased secretion of insulin by islets.
▪ Male ▪ 1.5×105 cells/mouse ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 6-8 weeks old ▪ Intrapancreatic injection
▪ n=5
7. Zhou Y. (2015) [11] T1DM SD rat: UC-MSC BW, GLUC, INS, C-peptide, H&E, IHC, PCR, Western Blot. After 42 days, hyperglycaemic progression halted by day 6 and treated rats reported, Transplantation of UC-MSC exert trophic effects on β-cell survival by activating pancreatic P13K pathway and suspected to have been mediated by secreted IGF1.
▪ Male ▪ 3×106 cells/rat ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 8 weeks old ▪ IV injection ▪ pAKT (↓)
▪ n=8 ▪ Pancreatic islets (↑)
8. Maldonado M. (2017)[12] T1DM Kunming mice: UCWJC GLUC, C-peptide, IHC, Immunofluorescence, RT-PCR, Urine Assay. After 11 weeks, UCWJC migrated to damaged organs and treated mice reported, Transplantation of UCWJC normalized hyperglycaemia levels, promoted secretion of insulin from extrapancreatic cells and improved renal function.
▪ Male ▪ 1×107 cells/mouse ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 10 weeks old ▪ IP injection ▪ C-peptide (↑)
▪ n=10
9. Sun X. (2017) [13] T2DM SD rats: UC-MSC GLUC, INS, IPGTT, C-peptide, RT-PCR, Western Blot. After 35 days, treated rats reported, Transplantation of UC-MSC in diabetic rats inhibited NLRP3 inflammasome activation and decreased inflammatory cytokines, thus relieving insulin resistance of T2DM.
▪ Male ▪ 3×106 cells/rat ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 8 weeks old ▪ IV injection ▪ INS (↓)
▪ n=8 ▪ IPGTT (↑)
10. Murai N. (2017) [14] T1DM C57/BL6 mice: BM-MSC BW, GLUC, INS, Immunofluorescence, H&E, IHC. After 28 days, intrapancreatic injection treated mice reported, Transplantation of BM-MSC through intrapancreatic route reversed hyperglycaemia and restored BW. BM-MSC was absent in pancreas after 1 month, but effectively improved plasma INS levels and islet morphohistology.
▪ Male ▪ 1×106 cells/mouse ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 7-9 weeks old ▪ Intrapancreatic or IV injection ▪ BW (↑)
▪ n=11-14 Meanwhile, IV injection did not present any significant changes.
11. El-Hossary N. (2016) [15] T1DM Albino rats: UC-MSC BW, GLUC, H&E, Pancreatic Islet Measurement. After 8 weeks, IV injection treated rats reported, Transplantation of UC-MSC by IV route supported β-cell differentiation and proliferation in the pancreas, which alleviated hyperglycaemia and reduced further deterioration of the β-cell islets pathology.
▪ Male ▪ 2×106 cells/rat ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 6-8 weeks old ▪ IP or IV injection ▪ BW (↑)
▪ n=5-8 ▪ Pancreatic islets (↑)
These changes were not observed in the IP injected rats.
12. Yaochite JNU. (2016) [16] T1DM C57/BL6 mice: T1DM derived BM-MSC and healthy BM-MSC GLUC, INS, IPGTT, H&E, IHC, Cytokine level. After 35 days, T1DM derived BM-MSC treated mice reported, Transplantation of T1DM derived BM-MSC successfully reversed hyperglycaemia, improved β-cell mass, increased INS production and modulated pancreatic cytokine production.
▪ Male ▪ 1×106 cells/mouse ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 10 weeks old ▪ intrasplenic injection However, both groups
▪ n=24 ▪ INS (↑)
▪ Pancreatic islets (↑)
13. Lee RH. (2006) [17] T1DM NOD/SCID mice: BM-MSC GLUC, INS, H&E, IHC, RT-PCR, Urine assay. After 32 days, treated mice reported, Transplantation of BM-MSC selectively home to β-cell islets and renal glomeruli of diabetic mice and had repairs tissues to restore physiological conditions and functions.
▪ Male ▪ 2.5×106 cells/mouse ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ 7-8 weeks old ▪ intracardial injection ▪ Urine volume (↓)
▪ n=6-9 ▪ BW (--)
▪ INS (↑)
▪ Pancreatic islets (↑)
14. Lee H. (2017) [18] PAH SD rats: UCB-MSC Haemodynamics, BW, Organ weight, H&E, Wall thickness, Western Blot. After 4 weeks, low-dose UC-MSCs was as competent as the high-dose in treated rats and reported, Transplantation of low-dose and earlier treatment was as effective as high-dose UC-MSC in improving symptoms of PAH. Despite that, the dual or reversal treatment remains more effective as treatment for PAH.
▪ Male ▪ High-dose: 3×106 cells/rat ▪ Mean RV pressure (↓)
▪ 6 weeks old ▪ Mid-dose: 1.5×106 cells/rat ▪ Pulmonary pathology (↑)
▪ n=5-6 ▪ Low-dose: 3×105 cells/rat ▪ Heart collagen-3 protein (↓)
▪ IV injection
15. Van Linthout S. (2017) [19] Diabetic cardiomyopathy SD rats: PD-MSC GLUC, IHC, Gene expression, Western Blot, Vascularization & Endothelial function. After 13 days, treated rats reported high concentration of PD-MSC that was found in the LV pressure, lungs, kidney, pancreas and partially found in spleen. PD-MSC improved, Transplantation of PD-MSC alleviated early symptoms of diabetic cardiomyopathy as seen by improved LV diastolic relaxation and relieved cardiomyocyte stiffness by increasing titin phosphorylation.
▪ Male ▪ 1×106 cells/rat ▪ vascularization (↑)
▪ 8-9 weeks old ▪ IV injection ▪ cardiac inflammation (↓)
▪ n=5-7 ▪ endothelial function (↑)
▪ regulatory T-cells (↑)
16. Zhang L. (2013) [20] DN SD rats: ASC BW, GLUC, CHOL, ALB, TGL, Urine analysis, H&E, IHC, Western Blot, RT-PCR. After 32 weeks, treated rats reported, Transplantation of repeated, systemic administration of ASC attenuated hyperglycaemia. Secretion of GDNF by ASCs may play an important role in amelioration of diabetic podocyte injury.
▪ Male ▪ 5×106 cells/rat ▪ ALB (↑)
▪ 2 months old ▪ Once every 4 weeks for 32 weeks ▪ TGL (↑)
▪ n=8-11 ▪ IV injection ▪ CHOL (↓)
▪ urinary protein excretion (↓)
▪ Renal hypertrophy (↓)
17. Lee H. (2015) [21] PAH SD rats: UC-MSC Organ weight, RV Pressure, Immunofluorescence, H&E, Western Blot, IHC, Cytokine and Gene expression. After 3 weeks, treated rats reported, Transplantation of UC-MSC alleviated symptoms of PAH as seen by the decreased pulmonary arteriole thickening and gene expression. This success may prove advantageous over chemical drugs for treatment of PAH.
▪ Male ▪ 3×106 cells/rat ▪ RV pressure (↑)
▪ 6 weeks old ▪ IV injection ▪ Cardiac hypertrophy (↓)
▪ n=16-24 ▪ Expression of proteins and immunomodulatory metabolites (↓)
18. Wu X. (2014) [22] T1DM BALB/c mice: MBPC BW, GLUC, INS, C-peptide, IPGTT, H&E, IHC, Immunofluorescence, RT-PCR. After 42 days, treated mice reported, Transplantation of MBPC efficiently reversed hyperglycaemia and restored islet structures. The MBPCs could stimulate β-cell regeneration and promote endogenous progenitor cell differentiation into β-cells. MBPC is easily isolated in a non-invasive manner.
▪ Male ▪ 3×105 cells/mouse ▪ BW (↑)
▪ 8 weeks old ▪ IV injection ▪ GLUC (↓)
▪ Sample size not reported ▪ Pancreatic Islets (↑)
▪ β-cell numbers (↑)

Symbols: (↑) = increase; (↓) = decrease; (--) = no changes. Abbreviations: T1DM, Type 1 diabetes mellitus; T2DM, Type 2 diabetes mellitus; PAH, Pulmonary artery hypertension; DN, Diabetic nephropathy; TMSC, Tonsil-derived mesenchymal stromal cells; EB, Embryoid body; ILC, Islet-like clusters; UC-MSC, Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells; UC-WJC, Umbilical cord Wharton’s Jelly Cells; UCB-MSC, umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells; PD-MSC, placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells; CB-MNC, Cord blood mononuclear cells; MBPC, Menstrual blood progenitor cells; BM-MSC, Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells; ASC, Adipose-derived stem cells; BrdU, bromodeoxyuridine; SD, Sprague Dawley; STZ, streptozocin; MCT, Monocrotaline; HFD, high fat diet; NX, nephrectomy; NPH, neutral protamine Hagedorn; IP, intraperitoneal; IV, intravenous; BW, Body weight; GLUC, Glucose; INS, insulin; CHOL, cholesterol; TGL, triglyceride; ALB, Albumin; IPGTT, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test; RT-PCR, Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; ELISA, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; H&E, haemotoxylin-eosin; IHC, immunohistochemistry; RV, right ventricular; LV, left ventricular; GDNF, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor.