Fig. 5.
Rat behavior and directional axon regeneration and myelination in the injured spinal cord after transplantation of WMLT. (A)–(C) The footprints of both hind limbs (A, B) and horizontal ladder-walking test (C) showed that rats in the WMLT group had improved overall fine motor function (A, groups: 1, D-SCI; 2, DON; 3, DON-OPC; 4, WMLT group; 5, CS-OPC-N; 6, Nor [normal rats]), a significant increase in the footprint number (B, * and # indicate P < 0.05 when the D-SCI group was compared with the DON, DON-OPC, WMLT, CS-OPC-N and Nor groups), and a significant decrease in hind limb errors (C, * indicate P < 0.05 when the WMLT group was compared with the other groups). Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 5). (D) and (E) A longitudinal section of spinal cord containing GFP+ cells and NF+ nerve fibers in the WMLT (D) and CS-OPC-N (E) groups. (F)–(G3) NF + nerve fibers (arrows) were surrounded by GFP and MBP double-positive cells (arrowheads). (H) There were more regenerating NF + nerve fibers in the WMLT group aligned with the longitudinal axis of the spinal cord than in the CS-OPC-N group (* and # indicate P < 0.05 when the CS-OPC-N group was compared with the WMLT and Nor groups). (I) and (J) Relative expression levels of NF+ (I) and MBP+ (J) in the D-SCI, DON, DON-OPC, WMLT, CS-OPC-N and Nor groups (*, #, δ and &symbols indicate P < 0.05 when the D-SCI group was compared with the DON, DON-OPC, WMLT, CS-OPC-N and Nor groups). Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 5). One-way ANOVA with an LSD-t test was performed. Scale bars = 200 μm in (D)–(E); 50 μm in (F)–(G3).