Figure 5. Dopamine treatment impairs the modulation of mitochondrial calcium uptake by mt-HK in NPCs.
(A) Uptake of sequential calcium pulses (50 nmol each) by mitochondria of control NPCs in the presence of 2-DOG 20 mM (red) or vehicle (black). (B) Rate of mitochondrial calcium influx of control NPCs in the presence of 2-DOG 20 mM (red) or vehicle (black). (C') Calcium accumulation outside mitochondria in response to sequential 100 nmol calcium pulses in control NPCs with 2-DOG 20 mM (red) or vehicle (black). 2-DOG shifted the curve toward calcium retention. (C'') Calcium accumulation outside mitochondria in response to sequential 100 nmol calcium pulses in dopamine-treated NPCs in the presence of 2-DOG 20 mM (red) or vehicle (black). Δ AUF means the difference in the calcium outside mitochondria between NPCs treated and untreated with 2-DOG. In C, each point expresses the lowest Calcium Green fluorescence after each addition of calcium, which represents the moment immediately after the uptake of calcium by mitochondria. (D) Quantification of Δ AUF in control (n=3) and dopamine-treated NPCs (n=2), as % of vehicle group; AUF, arbitrary units of fluorescence; Veh, vehicle.