Table 1.
The epidemiological characteristics of SARS‐CoV‐2 variants and their immune escape
WHO label | Alpha | Beta | Gamma | Delta | Lambda |
Pango lineage | B.1.1.7 | B.1.351 | P.1 | B.1.617.2 | C.37 |
Next strain | S:501Y.V1 | S:501Y.V2 | S:501Y.V3 | S:478K | S:452Q |
GISAID clade | GR/501Y.V2 | GH/501Y.V2 | GR/501Y.V3 | G/478K.V1 | GR/452Q.V1 |
Amino acid mutations in the spike protein | HV69‐70del, Y144del, N501Y, A570D, D614G, P681H, T716I, S982A, D1118H | D80A, D215G, LLA241‐243del, K417N, E484K, N501Y, D614G, A701V | L18F, T20N, P26S, D138Y, R190S, K417T, E484K, N501Y, D614G, H655Y, T1027I, V1176F | T19R, G142D, FR156‐157del, R158G, L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R, D950N | G75V, T76I, 247‐252del, L452Q, F490S, D614G, T859N |
Increased the rate of infection than that of wild strain (References) | Increased by 43%–90% in UK 35 Increased by 59%–74% in Denmark, USA 36 | Increased by 50% in South Africa 39 | Increased by 1.7–2.4‐fold in Brazil 20 | Increased by 60% than B.1.1.7 variant in India 40 | 81% new cases in Peru 89 |
Increased the rate of hospitalization and mortality than that of wild strain (References) | Increased by 11% for hospitalization, 53 1.4% for ICU 53 and 35% for mortality 51 | Increased by 19.3% for hospitalization 53 and 2.3% for ICU 53 | Increased by 20% for hospitalization 53 and 2.1% for ICU 53 | Increased by 120% for hospitalization,287% for ICU admission and 137% for death 66 | To be confirmed |
Immune escape | + | ++++ | ++ | ++ | To be confirmed |
Abbreviations: AA, amino acid mutation; del, deletion.
Resistance to partial monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)
Resistance to partial mAbs, convalescent plasma and partial vaccine.
Resistance even immune escape to many mAbs, convalescent plasma and many vaccine.