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. 2021 Nov 10;84(1):230–249. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12810


Descriptive statistics for matched, ever‐telecommuter, and pandemic samples

Matched (N = 12,519) Ever‐telecommuter (N = 405) Pandemic (N = 83,676)
Fathers Mothers Fathers Mothers Fathers Mothers
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Childcare (min) 57.02 72.22 90.20 87.72 65.03 78.78 99.71 91.88
Housework (min) 41.28 56.25 72.25 68.69 39.72 48.74 72.67 76.30
Paid work (min) 528.40 123.26 469.27 114.21 503.92 122.19 468.59 136.03
Paid work last week (h) 42.28 11.19 36.79 11.43
Family‐related part‐time work (prop.) 0.01 0.10
Child presence d. work (min) 5.03 33.93 9.26 49.17 7.51 41.73 17.88 64.31
Work spells 2.57 1.24 2.44 1.16 2.77 2.07 2.71 1.89
Weekly earnings ($) 1458.4 745.30 913.39 620.94 1928.68 718.64 1440.39 774.23 7654 3957 7733 3806
Age 40.80 7.49 38.98 7.56 42.01 7.25 40.57 6.62 40.44 7.18 39.55 7.09
Number of children 2.00 0.90 1.82 0.84 1.94 1.00 1.83 0.90 2.09 1.02 2.00 0.96
Age of youngest child 6.76 5.18 7.85 5.12 7.16 5.60 7.49 4.95 7.41 5.38 8.39 5.38
Usual weekly paid work hours 46.87 9.62 40.18 9.43 45.70 8.85 41.45 10.30
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Work location
Workplace 4753 76 5285 80 120 54 90 49
Mixed 1139 18 932 14 49 22 48 26
Home 356 6 376 6 52 24 46 25
Pandemic telecommuting
Workplace 30,939 73 27,914 68
Home 11,472 27 13,351 32
No college degree 1990 32 2671 41 26 12 26 14 24,072 57 20,857 51
College degree 4258 68 3922 59 195 88 158 86 18,339 43 20,408 49
Black 324 5 688 10 9 4 16 9 2973 7 4648 11
Hispanic 495 8 659 10 10 5 11 6 5545 13 4702 11
Other 5429 87 5246 80 202 91 157 85 33,893 80 31,915 77
Couples' work arrangements
Mother part‐, father full‐time 3360 54 696 11 109 49 22 12 5374 13 5181 13
Both full‐time 2258 36 3241 49 91 41 105 57 19,492 46 20,400 49
Other 630 10 2656 40 21 10 57 31 17,545 41 15,684 38
Spousal employment
No spouse/partner 516 8 1863 28 17 8 38 21 3802 9 11,336 27
Spouse not full‐time 3428 55 782 12 113 51 17 9 17,893 42 4389 11
Spouse works full‐time 2304 37 3948 60 91 41 129 70 20,716 49 25,540 62

Note: Data are from 2003–2018 American Time Use Survey (matched sample), 2017–2018 American Time Use Survey (ever‐telecommuter sample), and 2020 Current Population Survey (pandemic sample).