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. 2021 Oct 9;22:17–25. doi: 10.1016/j.jmsacl.2021.10.001

Table 1.

Potential metabolic biomarkers differentiating the NAFLD and control subjects using different analytical modes (T3-pos, T3-neg, amide-pos, amide-neg). All metabolic identifications have been confirmed by MS and MS/MS. Fold change was calculated by comparing the abundance level of the metabolite in the NAFLD group vs. the control group (NAFLD/Control). P value was calculated using the Student’s t-test.

Mode Metabolite Formula Mass (Da) Retention time (min) Adductsa Observed (m/z) Mass error (ppm) Fold change P value
T3-pos Valerylcarnitine C12H23NO4 245.1627 3.31 [M + H]+ 246.1694 −2.25 1.92 0.0386
Octanoylcarnitine C15H29NO4 287.2097 4.47 [M + H]+ 288.2164 −1.74 4.65 0.0124
Hydroxyundecanoyl carnitine C18H35NO5 345.2515 5.08 [M + H-H2O]+ 328.2480 −0.59 2.01 0.0197
Hydroxydodecanedioic acid C12H22O5 246.1461 4.50 [M + H-H2O]+ 229.1428 −2.39 2.11 0.0045
PE(17:0/0:0) C22H46NO7P 467.3018 7.40 [M + H]+ 468.3091 1.26 1.76 0.0121
LPC(18:3) C26H48NO7P 517.3168 7.81 [M + H]+ 518.3242 0.22 1.55 0.0123
LPC(20:3) C28H52NO7P 545.3481 8.91 [M + H]+ 546.3561 1.27 1.64 0.0300
25-Hydroxyvitamin D3-26,23-lactol C27H42O4 430.3083 9.38 [M + H]+ 431.3155 −0.20 1.60 0.0203
MG(18:1) C21H40O4 356.2925 13.77 [M + H]+ 357.3016 −0.53 3.65 0.0250
T3-neg Deoxycholic acid 3-glucuronide C30H48O10 568.3247 5.83 [M−H]- 567.3165 −1.70 4.76 0.0084
Tuftsin C21H40N8O6 500.3071 5.34 [M−H]- 499.3007 1.75 3.89 0.0211
LPC(20:3) C28H52NO7P 545.3481 8.91 [M + FA-H]- 590.3411 −9.61 1.77 0.0210
Retinyl beta-glucuronide C26H38O7 462.2618 5.45 [M−H]- 461.2554 1.93 0.64 0.0427
Amide-pos LPC(14:0) C22H46NO7P 467.3012 3.39 [M + H]+ 468.3097 2.65 2.73 0.0026
DG(20:3/20:4) C43H70O5 666.5234 2.43 [M + H]+ 684.5542 1.62 7.22 0.0261
Valerylcarnitine C12H23NO4 245.1627 7.36 [M + H]+ 246.1697 −0.99 1.99 0.0045
3-Hydroxy-cis-5-tetradecenoylcarnitine C21H39NO5 385.2828 3.34 [M + H-H2O]+ 368.2798 0.58 1.69 0.0057
LPC(20:3) C28H52NO7P 545.3491 3.31 [M + H]+ 546.3564 1.83 1.67 0.0224
Hydroxylauroylcarnitine C19H37NO5 359.2672 5.40 [M + H-H2O]+ 342.2641 0.69 1.55 0.0251
DG(18:1)/18:2) C39H70O5 618.5191 2.45 [M + H-H2O]+ 636.5558 −5.16 2.74 0.0423
Amide-neg Cortolone-3-glucuronide C27H42O11 542.2727 7.33 [M−H]- 541.2697 7.93 2.58 0.0004
Tetrahydroaldosterone-3-glucuronide C27H40O11 540.2571 7.22 [M−H]- 539.2548 9.24 2.02 0.0007
LPC(18:0) C26H54NO7P 523.3638 3.34 [M + FA-H]- 568.3603 −3.31 2.13 0.0323
Retinyl beta-glucuronide C26H38O7 462.2618 3.11 [M−H]- 461.2564 4.17 0.57 0.0228

The metabolite adducts of the highest intensity were chosen to represent the abundance of given metabolites.