Appendix A.
Cognitive tests
Domain | Cognitive test | Task description |
Neurocognition (Rao et al, n.d.) | ||
Verbal Learning & Memory | Auditory Verbal Leaning Test | A 15-word list (A) is presented 5 times verbally followed by a recall. Then, an interference list (B) of 15 words is presented before a recall of list-A. Delayed recall and recognition are also tested |
Visual Learning & Memory | Complex Figure Test | Participants are asked to draw a complex diagram, initially by copying and then are asked to redraw from memory immediately and at a delayed timepoint |
Processing Speed | Digit Symbol Substitution Test | The participant is asked to fill up the blanks below numbers with corresponding symbols according to a key provided. |
Attention and Concentration | Digit Vigilance Test | Participants are asked to strike out particular digits (6&9) on a sheet of paper with multiple lines of single digits. |
Verbal Working Memory | N-Back Test | Participants are presented a sequence of verbal stimuli. For each stimulus the participant has to decide whether the current stimulus matches the stimulus presented N number of trials back |
Visuospatial Working Memory | Spatial Span Test | Participants are presented with a spatial sequence of blocks arranged on a board with serially increasing complexity. They are expected to reproduce the spatial sequence as demonstrated. |
Executive Functions | Color Trails-A&B | Participants are asked to join numbers in sequence (A) and asked to alternate between colors of the circles in which the numbers are printed (B). For example, red 1 followed by a yellow 2, red 3 and so on. |
Stroop Test | Participants are expected to read a list of words written in incongruent colors followed by mentioning the color of the ink instead of reading the word. | |
Social cognition | ||
Theory of Mind/Social perception (Mehta et al., 2011) | First and second order Theory of Mind, Faux Pas, Attribution Bias and Social Cue Perception Test | Story-based tasks in which the participants are required to decipher mental states of others at different complexity levels. Tasks based on videos demonstrating social interaction between characters, where participants are required to pick up the social cues |
Emotion Recognition (Behere et al., 2008) | Facial emotion recognition test | Static images and dynamic videos of six basic human emotions (happy, anger, sad, fear, surprise and disgust) depicted by trained actors |