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. 2021 Nov 19;23(11):e29554. doi: 10.2196/29554

Table 2.

Correlations between the clinical characteristics and 2 main texture features.

Variable HOGa+SVMb HOG+Treec

P value r 95% CI P value r 95% CI
Age .21 –0.152 –0.373 to 0.086 .13 –0.184 –0.402 to 0.053
Age at onset .15 –0.175 –0.394 to 0.063 .26 –0.136 –0.359 to 0.102
PDd duration .72 –0.043 –0.275 to 0.194 .15 –0.175 –0.394 to 0.062
DALEDDe .75 0.039 –0.198 to 0.272 .65 –0.055 –0.286 to 0.183
QUIPf .22 0.15 –0.088 to 0.372 .18 0.161 –0.077 to 0.382
HAM-Ag .38 0.106 –0.132 to 0.333 .96 –0.005 –0.24 to 0.23
RBDh .27 0.134 –0.104 to 0.358 .22 0.15 –0.088 to 0.372
Freezing gait .90 –0.016 –0.25 to 0.22 .94 –0.009 –0.244 to 0.226
Total UPDRSi .75 0.039 –0.197 to 0.272 .58 –0.067 –0.298 to 0.17
HYj .87 –0.02 –0.254 to 0.216 .74 –0.04 –0.273 to 0.196
MMSEk .60 –0.064 –0.295 to 0.173 .97 –0.004 –0.239 to 0.231
NMSSl .09 0.203 –0.034 to 0.418 .38 0.106 –0.132 to 0.333
PDQ39m .95 –0.008 –0.242 to 0.228 .50 –0.083 –0.312 to 0.155

aHOG: histogram of oriented gradients.

bSVM: support vector machine.

cTree: random forest.

dPD: Parkinson disease.

eDALEDD: levodopa equivalent daily dose.

fQUIP: Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson disease.

gHAM-A: Hamilton Anxiety Scale.

hRBD: REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

iUPDRS: Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale.

jHY: Hoehn & Yahr.

kMMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination.

lNMSS: Non-Motor Symptoms Scale.

mPDQ-39: Parkinson Disease Questionnaire-39.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure