Table 2.
Correlations between the clinical characteristics and 2 main texture features.
Variable | HOGa+SVMb | HOG+Treec | ||||
P value | r | 95% CI | P value | r | 95% CI |
Age | .21 | –0.152 | –0.373 to 0.086 | .13 | –0.184 | –0.402 to 0.053 |
Age at onset | .15 | –0.175 | –0.394 to 0.063 | .26 | –0.136 | –0.359 to 0.102 |
PDd duration | .72 | –0.043 | –0.275 to 0.194 | .15 | –0.175 | –0.394 to 0.062 |
DALEDDe | .75 | 0.039 | –0.198 to 0.272 | .65 | –0.055 | –0.286 to 0.183 |
QUIPf | .22 | 0.15 | –0.088 to 0.372 | .18 | 0.161 | –0.077 to 0.382 |
HAM-Ag | .38 | 0.106 | –0.132 to 0.333 | .96 | –0.005 | –0.24 to 0.23 |
RBDh | .27 | 0.134 | –0.104 to 0.358 | .22 | 0.15 | –0.088 to 0.372 |
Freezing gait | .90 | –0.016 | –0.25 to 0.22 | .94 | –0.009 | –0.244 to 0.226 |
Total UPDRSi | .75 | 0.039 | –0.197 to 0.272 | .58 | –0.067 | –0.298 to 0.17 |
HYj | .87 | –0.02 | –0.254 to 0.216 | .74 | –0.04 | –0.273 to 0.196 |
MMSEk | .60 | –0.064 | –0.295 to 0.173 | .97 | –0.004 | –0.239 to 0.231 |
NMSSl | .09 | 0.203 | –0.034 to 0.418 | .38 | 0.106 | –0.132 to 0.333 |
PDQ39m | .95 | –0.008 | –0.242 to 0.228 | .50 | –0.083 | –0.312 to 0.155 |
aHOG: histogram of oriented gradients.
bSVM: support vector machine.
cTree: random forest.
dPD: Parkinson disease.
eDALEDD: levodopa equivalent daily dose.
fQUIP: Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson disease.
gHAM-A: Hamilton Anxiety Scale.
hRBD: REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.
iUPDRS: Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale.
jHY: Hoehn & Yahr.
kMMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination.
lNMSS: Non-Motor Symptoms Scale.
mPDQ-39: Parkinson Disease Questionnaire-39.