Table 2.
Baseline cardiopulmonary patient profiles (N=10).
Patient number | Cardiac diagnosis | LVEFa (%) | Pulmonary diagnosis | DLCOb |
1 | HFpEFc | 63 | COPDd GOLDe IV, group A | 43 |
2 | HFrEFf | 35 | COPD GOLD IV, group D | 40 |
3 | HFmrEFg | 47 | COPD GOLD II, group B | 53 |
4 | HFpEF | 53 | COPD GOLD IV, group D; recent COVID-19 infection | 25 |
5 | HFpEF | 60 | Asthma, bronchiectasis | —h |
6 | HFpEF | 63 | COPD GOLD II, group D | 29 |
7 | HFrEF | 35 | Asthma, unilateral emphysema | 50 |
8 | HFmrEF | 40 | COPD GOLD IV, group D | 31 |
9 | HFrEF | 35 | COPD GOLD II, group B; recent COVID-19 infection | 68 |
10 | HFpEF | 65 | COPD GOLD IV, group D | 26 |
aLVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction.
bDLCO: diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide.
cHFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
dCOPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
eGOLD: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.
fHFrEF: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
gHFmrEF: heart failure with midrange ejection fraction.
hNot available.