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. 2021 Nov 16;9(11):e30485. doi: 10.2196/30485

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics of the research variables (N=70).

Variable Value
Organizational context

Size of the clinic in terms of number of consultations, n (%)

Less than 5000 6 (8)

5000 to 9999 11(16)

10,000 to 14,999 13 (19)

15,000 to 19,999 23 (33)

20,000 to 24,999 6 (8)

More than 25,000 11 (16)

Location of the clinic, n (%)

Nonurban (rural, semirural, or remote) 27 (39)

Urban 43 (61)

Type of consultations offered (without appointment), n (%) 20 (28)
Managerial context

Type of clinical governance, n (%)

FMGa 49 (70)

Non-FMG 21 (30)

Experience of the scheduling manager, n (%)

Less than 1 year 5 (7)

1 to 3 years 17 (25)

4 to 6 years 22 (31)

7 to 9 years 7 (10)

More than 10 years 19 (27)
Integration of MASb systems, n (%)

Clinic with implemented systems

EMRc 69 (98)

iMASd 42 (60)

iMAS integrated with the EMR 38 (54)

MAS 34 (49)

MAS integrated with the EMR 23 (33)

Integration of iMAS and MAS systems with the EMR 18 (26)
Extended use of MAS systems, mean (SD)

iMAS system (RVSQe) functionalities usedf 0.8 (1.0)

MAS system functionalities usedf 1.6 (2.2)
Advanced accessibility, mean (SD)

Advanced access scheduling principles appliedf 2.4 (1.8)
Availability of medical care, mean (SD)

Scheduling performanceg,h 3.4 (0.7)

Patient attendancei 1.6 (1.0)

aFMG: family medical group.

bMAS: medical appointment scheduling.

cEMR: electronic medical record.

diMAS: interoperable medical appointment scheduling.

eRVSQ: Rendez-vous Santé Québec.

fSee Table 2 for the distribution of this variable.

gCronbach alpha coefficient of reliability (α=.76).

h1=totally disagree, 2=rather disagree, 3=neither disagree nor agree, 4=rather agree, and 5=totally agree.

i0=less than 80%, 1=80% to 84%, 2=85% to 89%, 3=90% to 94%, and 4=95% or more.