Fig 2. Shared sex-biased enhancers.
A, B. Venn diagrams showing the number of sex-biased H3K27ac peaks (ΔK27ac) (>2-fold sex difference at FDR < 0.05, based on diffReps) or sex-biased DHS (ΔDHS) (>1.5-fold sex difference at FDR < 0.05, by diffReps) based on peak overlap by at least 1 bp. Data for CD-1 ΔK27ac peaks was provided by Dr. Dana Lau-Corona of this lab. CD-1 ΔDHS peaks were the robust sex-differential DHS dataset from [119]. C. Genes from clusters MA and FA (Fig 1A) with matching sex-biased cis regulatory elements in both strains. C6 is a male-biased gene with male-biased H3K27ac marks and male-biased DHS at the proximal promoter and upstream enhancers. Nt5e is a female-biased gene with female-biased H3K27ac marks and female-biased DHS at both the proximal promoter and two neighboring enhancers. Bar graphs above the screenshots: RNA expression levels (FPKM) in individual male (blue bars) and female (pink bars) CD-1, B6, and CAST livers. Uniform expression across strains is observed, as expected for genes in clusters MA and FA. See Sheet A in S1 Table for full list of expression values.