A Intestines from E15.5 control (Myh11Cre-EGFP and R26DTA176/+) and Myh11Cre-EGFP
R26DTA176/+ embryos. Scale bar, 1 mm. The length of the small intestine was measured from the end of the stomach (orange arrowheads) to the beginning of cecum (purple arrowheads). B Lengths of E15.5 control (Myh11Cre-EGFP
n = 4 and R26DTA176/+
n = 4) and Myh11Cre-EGFP
R26DTA176/+ (n = 4) small intestines. Each point in the scatter plots represents the value from an individual embryo. Values are presented as means ± SD. *** adjusted P = 0.0007 by ordinary one-way ANOVA Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. C Schematic of method for measuring the opening angle to assess residual stress. We isolated approximately 1 mm long sections of E13.5 small intestine, cut the intestinal wall axially and measured the opening angle (θ), with the vertex at the midpoint of the inner epithelial surface and the rays intersecting the innermost edges of the cut wall. D The opening angles of intestinal segments from E13.5 control (wild type, n = 3, Myh11Cre-EGFP, n = 3 and R26DTA176/WT, n = 4) and Myh11Cre-EGFP
R26DTA176/+ (n = 7) embryos. Adjusted P values are 0.0018 for Myh11Cre-EGFP
R26DTA176/+ vs WT, 0.0054 for Myh11Cre-EGFP
R26DTA176/+ vs Myh11Cre-EGFP, and 0.005 for Myh11Cre-EGFP
R26DTA176/+ vs R26DTA176/WT. E The opening angles of intestinal segments from E13.5 Cilk1+/- (n = 4) and Cilk1−/− (n = 4) embryos. *p = 0.0138 by two-sided unpaired t test. F The opening angles of intestinal segments from E13.5 (Smolox/+, n = 6 and Dermo1Cre
Smolox/+, n = 4) and Dermo1Cre
Smolox/lox (n = 4) embryos. Adjusted P values are 0.0038 for Dermo1Cre
Smolox/lox vs Smolox/+ and 0.0058 for Dermo1Cre
Smolox/lox vs Dermo1Cre
Smolox/+. G Representative E13.5 wild-type intestine segments opened axially (WT + cut) or not before (Day 0) and after culture in Matrigel for 2 days (Day 2). Scale bar, 1 mm. H Length fold change of the cultured intestine segments (WT: n = 3; WT + cut: n = 3) for indicated days. D–F For each intestine, we calculated the median angle of 5–15 segments. D–F and H values are presented as means ± SD. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 by ordinary one-way ANOVA Sidak’s multiple comparisons test, except in E. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.