Fig. 1. Laser combined high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) for the study of photo-activated conformational changes in bacteriorhodopsin (bR).
a Structure of bR trimer viewed from the cytoplasmic side in the closed (PDB 6RNJ) and open (PDB 6RPH) states. Letters label the 7 helices. Outlines highlight one protomer. b Superposition of the open (green) and closed (red) structural states: The conformational change in helix-F (and to a minor degree in helix-E) are highlighted by arrows. The E-F loop moves by ~5 Å. c HS-AFM setup: Only the main components are shown and labeled: The IR laser (AFM laser) monitors the cantilever position. The green laser (activating laser) is used to excite bR. d Top: Light protocol. Middle: HS-AFM images of bR-D96N patches exposing cytoplasmic and extracellular sides (labeled). Bottom: Averages of the cytoplasmic and extracellular side topographies (labeled cyto and ext in the first pair of images). Only the cytoplasmic side displays measurable conformational changes during and after (bR-D96N has ~10.5 s open state dwell-time) light stimulation. Light-induced conformational changes in bR-D96N subjected to (e) a single, and (f) multiple green laser light periods. Top: Light protocol. Middle: High-resolution HS-AFM images and corresponding correlation averages. bR trimer (white dashed circle) and trefoil, defined as the three nearest-neighbor protomers that gather upon light-activated conformational changes (yellow dashed circle). Bottom: E-F loop displacement (average (black line) ±standard deviation (gray shaded area), n = 12). Gray lines in (e, bottom) show the behavior of three individual protomers. Insets in (e, bottom) are LAFM maps40 of molecules in the closed (frames 1–26) and open (frames 28–49) state.