a, b, Summary of allele frequency for human population variants either on (n=2,925) or off (n=118,042) the predicted human-viral interface presented as either a raw distribution or a cumulative density respectively. Variants in either category had roughly identical allele frequency distributions. Interior boxplots represent the distribution quartiles with whiskers representing the most extreme non-outlier values. c, d, Equivalent plots to a and b for the distribution of the SIFT deleteriousness scores for the same human population variant sets. Plots are colored based on the split between SIFT tolerated and deleterious categories. Population variants on the interface were significantly more likely to be classified deleterious by two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. e, Pie chart breakdown of SIFT categories. Pie chart outlines distinguish interface (green) from non-interface (orange). f, g, Equivalent plots to a and b for the distribution of the PolyPhen deleteriousness scores for the same human population variant sets. Plots are colored based on the split between PolyPhen benign, possibly damaging, and probably damaging categories. Population variants on the interface were significantly more likely to be classified deleterious by two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. h, Pie chart breakdown of PolyPhen categories as in e. All p-values based on two-sided two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.