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. 2021 Dec 6;7(12):e08542. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08542

Table 6.

Comparison of means between different tissues and different levels of fennel feeding for expression of DLK1 in Kermani lambs based on LSD test.

Tissue Level of fennel (g/Kg DM)
0 10 20 Fennel mean
Humeral muscle 1.00g 2.40e 4.80a 2.73a
Liver 1.00g 2.60d 3.30b 2.30b
Testis 1.00g 2.00f 3.10c 2.03c
Tissue mean 1.00c 2.33b 3.73a

Treatments that have at least one letter in common do not differ significantly. Fennel mean column numbers are compared with each other (a, b and c), tissue mean row numbers are compared with each other (a, b and c) and other numbers that show the interaction between tissue and Level of fennel (g/Kg DM) are compared with each other (a, b, c, d, e, f and g).