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. 2021 Dec 10;21:689. doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02641-9

Table 1.

Demographics and Characteristics of Fall Prevention Intervention Included Studies

Study, Year (ref) Location N1 Age, mean y (SD) Gender2 (F/M, %) Tool (score/cut off), Baseline Score, & Level of CI Study Design Intervention Duration3 Intervention Category & Setting Control Outcomes Harms
Varriano, 2020 [37] Canada 7 O: 79.1 (6.7) 57/43

MoCA (15–26)

O: 21.2 (2.9)

Mixed CI

RCT 12 weeks

Exercise; vestibular exercises


Usual care Balance, Gait speed and control Falls, but unclear if due to intervention
Goldberg, 2019 [38] United Kingdom 60 O: 76 (range 65–91) 43/57

MMSE (18–26)

O: 25.6 (3.1);

I: 24.8 (3.6); 26.2 (3.2);

C: 25.9 (2.4)

Mild dementia or CI

RCT 12 months

Exercise; Balance, strength, dual-task training, gait re-education


Single falls prevention assessment Falls, Perceived risk of falling, Balance, Gait speed and control, Functional mobility (TUG) 19 recorded adverse events (5 non-serious but intervention related)
Padala, 2017 [39] USA 30

O: 73.0 (6.2);

I: 72.1 (5.3);

C: 73.9 (7.1)


MMSE (≥18)

O: 22.9 (2.2);

I: 23.3 (2.2);

C: 22.7 (2.3)

Mild AD

RCT 8 weeks

Exercise; Wii-fit (yoga, strength, aerobics, balance)


Self-paced walking program Perceive risk of falling, Balance None study related
Zieschang, 2017 [40] Germany 122

I: 82.1 (6.6);

C: 82.2 (6.7)


MMSE (17–26)

I: 21.6 (2.9);

C: 21.9 (3.3)

Mild to moderate dementia

RCT 3 months

Exercise; progressive resistance and functional training (activities of daily living, balance, walking, gait)


Seated motor training exercises Falls N/R
Sungkarat, 2017 [41] Thailand 66

I: 68.3 (6.7);

C: 67.5 (7.3)


MoCA (< 26), MMSE (≥24)

I: MoCA: 21.2 (3.4), MMSE: 26.5 (1.7);

C: MoCA: 20.4 (3.8), MMSE: 25.8 (2.3)

Mild CI

RCT 15 weeks

Exercise; Tai Chi

Community-centre and home-based

Educational material covering information related to cognitive impairment and fall prevention

Perceive risk of falling,


Functional mobility (muscle strength data*)

No adverse events found.
Schwenk, 2016 [42] USA 22

O: 78.2 (8.7);

I: 77.8 (6.9);

C: 79.0 (10.4)


MoCA (> 20)

O: 23.3 (2.6);

I: 23.3 (3.1);

C: 22.4 (3.0)

Mild CI

RCT 4 weeks

Exercise; Balance (ankle point-to-point reaching tasks and virtual obstacle-crossing tasks)

Research centre

Usual care

Perceive risk of falling,


Gait speed and control

No training-related adverse events occurred.
Montero-Odasso, 2019 [47] Canada 60

O: 75.28 (7.18);

I: 73.45 (5.74);

C: 77.24 (8.11)


CDR (0.5), MMSE, MoCA

O: sMMSE: 27.47 (1.96), MoCA: 23.60 (2.52);

I: sMMSE: 27.42 (2.19), MoCA: 23.19 (2.55);

C: sMMSE: 27.52 (1.72), MoCA: 22.97 (2.37)

Mild CI

RCT 6 months

Medication or vitamin supplement; Donepezil





Gait speed and control

No major adverse events requiring treatment were reported.
Chen, 2018 [45] Taiwan 30

I: 77.3 (9.4);

C: 77.3 (10.0)


MMSE, CDR (0.5, 1 or 2)

I: MMSE: 16.4 (7.3), CDR: 0.5 = 6, 1.0 = 6, 2.0 = 3;

C: MMSE: 17.9 (3.7), CDR: 0.5 = 3, 1.0 = 9, 2.0 = 1

Mild to moderate dementia

RCT 2 months

Multifactorial; Musical dual-task training (physical and cognitive tasks)

Community/research centre

Non-musical cognitive tasks and walking exercises Perceive risk of falling, Gait speed and control, Functional mobility (TUG) No adverse events reported.
Kim, 2017 [46] Korea 30

I: 82.0 (4.6);

C: 80.9 (3.4)



I: 15.5 (2.9);

C: 15.6 (2.4)

Mild to moderate dementia

CCT 12 weeks

Multifactorial; physical activities, cognitive activities, activities of daily living, music activities

Community centre

Usual care Perceive risk of falling, Balance, Functional mobility (TUG & CST) N/R
Wesson, 2013 [17] Australia 22

I: 78.7 (4.2);

C: 80.9 (5.0)


ACE-R (≤82), MMSE

I: ACE-R: 67.8 (12.6), MMSE: 24.5 (3.1);

C: ACE-R: 62.5 (14.2), MMSE: 22.5 (4.3)

Mild dementia

RCT 12 weeks

Multifactorial; strength and balance exercises, home hazard reduction


Usual care, health promotion brochures on fall prevention and home safety Falls, Perceive risk of falling, Balance, Gait speed and control No serious adverse events related to the intervention were reported. Minor complaints relating to stiffness, dizziness and mild joint pain (n = 4; 36%) were reported.
Suttanon, 2013 [43] Australia 40

O: 81.90 (5.72);

I: 83.42 (5.10);

C: 80.52 (6.01)


MMSE (≥10)

I: 20.89 (4.74);

C: 21.67 (4.43)

Mild to moderate AD

RCT 6 months

Exercise; balance and strength exercises, walking program


Education and information sessions on the topic of dementia and ageing Falls, Perceive risk of falling, Balance, Gait speed and control, Functional mobility (TUG, CST, and FRT*) There were no falls or other serious adverse events associated with the intervention
Hernandez, 2010 [44] Brazil 20

O: 78.5 (6.8);

I: 77.7 (7.6);

C: 84.0 (6.1)



I: 16.4 (6.7);

C: 14.2 (5.1)

Mild to moderate AD

CCT 6 months

Exercise; stretching, weight training, circuits, dance, recreational activities, relaxation


Usual care Balance, Functional mobility (TUG) N/R

CI cognitive impairment, O overall population, I intervention, C control, AD Alzheimer’s Disease, N/R not reported, RCT randomized controlled trial, CCT clinical (non-randomized) controlled trial. MoCA Montreal cognitive assessment (Score /30), MMSE Mini Mental State Exam, ACE-R Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination – revised, CDR Clinical Dementia Rating scale, TUG timed up and go test, CST chair sit stand test, FRT functional reach test. 1 Number of participants randomized to intervention; 2 Values for gender are based on reported baseline which may not equal N randomized but rather the number of participants who completed the intervention; 3 Not including follow-up, if applicable; *outcome not meta-analyzed