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. 2021 Dec 11;19:143. doi: 10.1186/s12961-021-00788-w

Table 2.

List of included studies

Study ID First author Year Title Country of study Policy/reform of focus
1 Michael R Reich 2015 Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Indonesia, Japan, Peru, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam National Health Insurance Scheme (Ghana); service exchange agreements (Peru); tax revenues and earn marking
2 Tessa Oraro-Lawrence 2020 Policy levers and priority-setting in universal health coverage: a qualitative analysis of healthcare financing agenda setting in Kenya Kenya Health Financing Strategy 2016–2030, National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)
3 Pakwanja Twea 2020 Allocating resources to support universal health coverage: policy processes and implementation in Malawi Malawi Essential Health Package (EHP)
4 Elisabeth Paul 2020 An assessment of the core capacities of the Senegalese health system to de-liver Universal Health Coverage Senegal Plan National de Développement Sanitaire et Social (PNDSS)2019–2028
5 Diane McIntyre 2008 Beyond fragmentation and towards universal coverage: insights from Ghana, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania Ghana, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania Prepayment funding mechanisms, community-based health insurance (CBHI), private voluntary health insurance
6 Fabrizio Tediosi 2015 BRICS countries and the global movement for universal health coverage BRICS countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa UHC agenda in general
7 Saudamini Vishwanath Dabak 2018 Budgeting for a billion: applying health technology assessment (HTA) for universal health coverage in India India Health technology assessment
8 Meghan Bruce Kumar 2020 How do decision-makers use evidence in community health policy and financing decisions? A qualitative study and conceptual framework in four African countries Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique Health financing
9 Elizabeth Pisani 2017 Indonesia's road to universal health coverage: a political journey Indonesia Health insurance
10 Robert K Basaza 2013 Players and processes behind the national health insurance scheme: a case study of Uganda Uganda Health financing
11 Bertone M 2018 The bumpy trajectory of performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone: agency, structure and frames shaping the policy process Sierra Leone Performance-based financing (PBF)
12 Bui TT Ha 2014 Policy processes underpinning universal health insurance in Vietnam Vietnam Health insurance
13 Octavio Gomez Dantes 2015 Political Economy of Pursuing the Expansion of Social Protection in Health in Mexico Mexico Social protection in health (SPH)
14 José Carlos R. Pueblita 2013 Screening Seguro Popular: The Political Economy of Universal Health Coverage in Mexico Mexico System of Social Protection in Health (SSPH)
15 Adam Fusheini 2017 Stakeholders Perspectives on the Success Drivers in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme—Identifying Policy Translation Issues Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
16 Rebecca Surender 2015 The drive for universal healthcare in South Africa: views from private general practitioners South Africa National Health Insurance
17 Kevin Croke 2019 The political economy of health financing reform in Malaysia Malaysia Health financing reforms
18 Witter S 2019 The political economy of results-based financing: the experience of the health system in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Result-based financing
19 Tangcharoensathien, Viroj 2019 The Political Economy of UHC Reform in Thailand: Lessons for Low- and Middle-Income Countries Thailand Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS)
20 Benjamin Chemouni 2016 The political path to universal health coverage: Power, ideas and community-based health insurance in Rwanda Rwanda Community-based health insurance (CBHI)
21 Adam Fusheini 2016 The Politico-Economic Challenges of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme Implementation Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme
22 Ariel Higgins-Steele 2018 Towards universal health coverage and sustainable financing in Afghanistan: progress and challenges Afghanistan UHC
23 Clarke, L 2017 Shocks, stresses and universal health coverage: Pathways to address resilience and health LMIC UHC
24 Kelsall, T 2016 Political settlements and pathways to universal health coverage LMIC UHC
25 Krajewski-Siuda 2008 Political analysis of the conception of the Polish National Health Fund Poland National health fund
26 Musango, L 2012 Moving from ideas to action—developing health financing systems towards universal coverage in Africa African countries Health financing
27 Chima A Onoka 2013 Promoting universal financial protection: constraints and enabling factors in scaling-up coverage with social health insurance in Nigeria Nigeria Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme
28 Vargas, JR 2013 Promoting universal financial protection: a policy analysis of universal health coverage in Costa Rica (1940–2000) Costa Rica UHC
29 Dennis Raphael 2020 Conceptualizing and researching health equity in Africa through a political economy of health lens—Rwanda in perspective Rwanda Pro-health equity policies
30 Philipa Mladovsky 2020 Fragmentation by design: Universal health coverage policies as governmentality in Senegal Senegal UHC (user fee exemption, reforming health insurance institutions that cover workers and pensioners in the civil service and private sector, expanding coverage of community-based health insurance [CBHI] schemes)
31 Rami Yassoub 2017 The Path Toward Universal Health Coverage: Stakeholder Acceptability of a Primary Care Health Benefits Package in Lebanon Lebanon Healthcare benefits package (HBP)
32 Shadi S Saleh 2014 The path towards universal health coverage in the Arab uprising countries Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen UHC
33 Tim Kelsall 2016 Inclusive healthcare and the political settlement in Cambodia Cambodia Health Equity Fund
34 Magdalena Chiara 2018 Concepts and ideas concerning universal health care: results of the intergovernmental arrangement in Greater Metropolitan Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 2003 to 2011 Argentina Plan Nacer and Programa Remediar/Universal coverage
35 Bernardo Garza 2015 Increasing the Responsiveness of Health Services in Mexico's Seguro Popular: Three Policy Proposals for Voice and Power Mexico Public insurance (social security insurance)/seguro popular
36 Sharif A Ismail 2018 The rocky road to universal health coverage in Egypt: A political economy of health insurance reform from 2005–15 Egypt Health insurance coverage
37 Sparks, S 2019 Political Economy Analysis for Health Financing Reform Global/Mexico/Turkey Health financing reforms
38 Bayarsaikhan 2015 Social health insurance development in Mongolia: Opportunities and challenges in moving towards Universal Health Coverage Mongolia Health insurance and public financing reform
39 Frenk, J 2006 Comprehensive reform to improve health system performance in Mexico Mexico Seguro Popular (popular health insurance)
40 Leng, C 2008 Ownership, control, and contention: Challenges for the future of healthcare in Malaysia Malaysia Health financing
41 Massuda, A 2018 The Brazilian health system at crossroads: progress, crisis and resilience Brazil Health financing and healthcare coverage
42 Yu 2015 Universal health insurance coverage for 1.3 billion people: What accounts for China’s success? China UHC/UH insurance coverage
43 McIntyre, D 2013 Promoting universal financial protection: evidence from seven low- and middle-income countries on factors facilitating or hindering progress Costa Rica, Georgia, India, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Thailand Health financing/health insurance
44 He AJ 2017 Towards Universal Health Coverage via Social Health Insurance in China: Systemic Fragmentation, Reform Imperatives, and Policy Alternatives China Universal insurance coverage
45 Viroj Tangcharoensathien 2013 Promoting universal financial protection: how the Thai universal coverage scheme was designed to ensure equity Thailand Thai Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS)
46 Dayashankar 2019 Policy entrepreneurs as catalysts of broad system change: the case of social health insurance adoption in India India Social health insurance
47 Agyepong IA 2008 Public social policy development and implementation: a case study of the Ghana National Health Insurance scheme Ghana National health insurance scheme
48 Shroff Z 2015 Health Insurance as a Tool of Electoral Tactical Redistribution in Tamil Nadu, India India National Health Insurance Scheme/social welfare programmes
49 Ishmael Wireko 2016 Transnational actors and health care reform: Why international organizations initially opposed, and later supported, social health insurance in Ghana Ghana NHIS
50 Osman 2018 Political economy and quality of primary health service in rural Bangladesh and the united states of America: a comparative analysis Bangladesh Primary healthcare (Bangladesh only)