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. 2021 Dec 11;22:311. doi: 10.1186/s12931-021-01904-8

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

Fevipiprant 150 mg N = 1092 Fevipiprant 450 mg N = 1084 Placebo N = 361 Total N = 2537
Demographic characteristics
 Age, years, mean (SD) 50.1 (14.95) 50.1 (15.55) 49.9 (14.99) 50.1 (15.21)
 Female sex, n (%) 659 (60.3) 666 (61.4) 229 (63.4) 1554 (61.3)
Disease characteristics
 Duration of asthma, years, n 1090 1084 361 2535
 Mean (SD) 21.01 (14.974) 21.03 (15.243) 19.75 (14.023) 20.84 (14.960)
 Number of asthma exacerbations in the previous year, n 1092 1084 361 2357
 Mean (SD) 1.39 (1.315) 1.41 (1.264) 1.45 (1.512) 1.41 (1.323)
 Atopic status—n (%)
  Yes 670 (61.4) 632 (58.3) 218 (60.4) 1520 (59.9)
  No 418 (38.3) 450 (41.5) 142 (39.3) 1010 (39.8)
  Missing 4 (0.4) 2 (0.2) 1 (0.3) 7 (0.3)
Prior participation in a fevipiprant phase 3 study, n (%)
 LUSTER-1/LUSTER-2 449 (41.1) 442 (40.8) 149 (41.3) 1040 (41.0)
  150 mg QD 254 (23.3) 53 (4.9) 51 (14.1) 358 (14.1)
  450 mg QD 48 (4.4) 241 (22.2) 47 (13.0) 336 (13.2)
  Placebo 148 (13.6) 148 (13.7) 50 (13.9) 346 (13.6)
 ZEAL-1/ZEAL-2 330 (30.2) 329 (30.4) 107 (29.6) 766 (30.2)
  150 mg QD 218 (20.0) 112 (10.3) 53 (14.7) 383 (15.1)
  Placebo 112 (10.3) 217 (20.0) 54 (15.0) 383 (15.1)
  Newly randomised 313 (28.7) 313 (28.9) 105 (29.1) 731 (28.8)
 Smoking history—n (%)
  Never 892 (81.7) 906 (83.6) 298 (82.5) 2096 (82.6)
  Former 200 (18.3) 178 (16.4) 63 (17.5) 441 (17.4)
 Blood eosinophil at screening—n (%)
  ˂250 cells/μL 434 (39.7) 427 (39.4) 149 (41.3) 1010 (39.8)
  ≥ 250 cells/μL 635 (58.2) 641 (59.1) 202 (56.0) 1478 (58.3)
  Missing 23 (2.1) 16 (1.5) 10 (2.8) 49 (1.9)
Baseline spirometry
 Percent predicted FEV1 (%) (Pre-bronchodilator)
  n 1079 1069 354 2502
  Mean 61.0 60.5 60.9 60.8
  SD 13.86 13.98 14.37 13.98
 FEV1 reversibility (%)
  n 1069 1064 353 2486
  Mean 21.9 22.9 24.0 22.6
  SD 17.97 18.82 16.56 18.16

Age is calculated from date of screening and July 1st of the year of birth for adults. For adolescents, age is collected directly from Electronic Case Report Form (eCRF)

For all other variables, prior study baseline is used as the baseline value in patients who completed a prior Phase 3 study, and SPIRIT baseline is used as the baseline value in new patients

Duration of asthma is calculated as date of asthma first diagnosed until Visit 1. Blood eosinophil count at screening visit of prior study is considered for rollover patients. FEV1 reversibility is calculated as increase of FEV1 value after inhalation of bronchodilator relative to the FEV1 value before inhalation of bronchodilator. Reversible: increase of FEV1 value ≥ 12% and ≥ 200 mL Not reversible: change of FEV1 value < 12% or < 200 mL. FEV1 reversibility demonstrated at clinic at Visit 1 are presented. Percent predicted FEV1: percentage of FEV1 relative to the predicted normal value. For patients who completed a prior Phase 3 study, prior study baseline is used as the baseline value

BMI body mass index; FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second; SD standard deviation