Figure 5.
African-ancestry individuals display increased number of CD16+ cells and lower susceptibility to IAV infection. (A) Variation in the number of classical (CD14++CD16-), intermediate (CD14++CD16+), and nonclassical (CD14+CD16++) monocytes across African- and European- ancestry individuals following CD14+ selection from PBMCs (n AFB = 89, n EUB = 85). Colors reflect population (AFB in red and EUB in blue). All three subsets are significantly different between populations (p-value<0.01). (B) Inter- and intra-population variation in the percentage of RNA-seq reads mapping to the IAV genome (n AFB = 100, n EUB = 99). Colors reflect population (AFB in red and EUB in blue). The percentage of RNA-seq reads mapping to the IAV genome is significantly higher in European-ancestry individuals relative to African-ancestry individuals (p-value = 5.3×10-8). Donors used in the scRNA-seq experiment (n AFB = 4, n EUB = 4) are designated with enlarged black squares. (C) Inter- and intra-population variation in viral mRNA expression at 6hpi (n AFB = 100, n EUB = 99). Expression levels for each of the 10 primary transcripts of IAV are plotted. Colors reflect population (AFB in red and EUB in blue). All IAV transcripts are significantly higher in European-ancestry individuals on average (p-value<0.001). (D) Estimated distribution of the percentage of cells from each cell state in the bulk RNA-seq data (n AFB = 100, n EUB = 99). Fill colors reflect cell state assignments, while outlines of boxplots reflect population (AFB in red and EUB in blue). (E) Distribution of the percentage of high IAV-transcribers among infected cells, stratified by population. One individual with no infected cell was excluded (n AFB = 99, n EUB = 99). (F) Percentage of RNA-seq reads of viral origin as a function of the estimated proportion of infected cells (n AFB = 100, n EUB = 99), colored by population (AFB in red and EUB in blue). (A, C) Outlier points are not displayed. AFB, African-ancestry individuals from Belgium; EUB, European-ancestry individuals from Belgium; TPM, transcripts per million; IAV, influenza A virus; MFI, mean fluorescent intensity; CL, classical; INT, intermediate; NC, nonclassical. *p-value < 0.01; **p-value < 0.001; ***p-value < 0.0001.