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. 2021 Dec 12;16:114. doi: 10.1186/s13000-021-01173-5

Table 1.

The main clinicopathological features and outcomes of 20 MEITL cases.

case Sex Age Location Grossly Cell morphology Infiltration depth lymph node involvements CD3 CD5 CD4 CD8 CD56 Postoperative treatment Outcomes(months)
1 M 51 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + NA D(6.5)
2 M 56 small intestine mass M+P Full-thickness Y + - - + + CHOP D(24)
3 M 69 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + CHOPE D(9)
4 F 59 small intestine mass M Full-thickness N + - - + + CHOP+ASCT D(9)
5 F 81 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + NA D(0.5)
6 M 58 small intestine ulcer M Mucosa and submucosa N + - - - + CHOP D(7.5)
7 M 28 small intestine mass M Full-thickness N + - - + - CHOPE D(7)
8 M 35 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + NA D(0.5)
9 M 63 small intestine mass M Full-thickness N + - - + + DA-CHOPE D(9)
10 M 66 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness Y + - + + - NA D(0.5)
11 M 52 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + CHOPE D(56)
12 F 59 small and large intestine mass M Full-thickness N + - - - - DA-CHOPE D(58)
13 M 54 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness Y + - - + + CHOP D(6)
14 M 70 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + - DA-CHOPE A(101)
15 F 46 large intestine mass M Mucosa and submucosa N + - + + + CHOPE+ASCT D(10)
16 M 60 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + DA-CHOPE+ASCT D(6)
17 M 81 large intestine mass M Full-thickness N + - - + - Mini-CHOP2 D(26)
18 M 71 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - + + CHOPE NA
19 F 51 small intestine ulcer M Full-thickness N + - - + + CHOPE D(12.5)
20 F 39 small intestine perforation M Full-thickness N + - - - + NA D(1.5)
No (%) 20 (100) 0 (100) 2 (10) 17 (85)



Sex: M-male, F-female; Cell morphology: M-monomorphic, P-pleomorphic; lymph node involvements: Y- with lymph node involvements, N-without lymph node involvements; Postoperative treatment: NA- with no treatment, C-cyclophosphamide, H- adriamycin, O- vincristine, P-prednisone, E-etoposide, ASCT- autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; Outcomes(months): D- dead, A- alive, NA- lost to follow-up