Fig. 4.
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus. A) Representative Nyquist plots from measurements of a bare gold electrode (black squares), electrode after functionalization with S1Ab (red circles), and S1Ab-functionalized electrode after incubation in solution containing 2 × 107/mL SΔ19-VSVGFPΔG pseudovirus particles (green triangles). B. Corresponding Rct values averaged over 3–5 repetitions. C. Comparison of %ΔRct using SΔ19-VSVGFPΔG vs. VSVΔG-G. Red bars present %ΔRct immediately after incubation with either SΔ19-VSVGFPΔG or VSVΔG-G and blue bars show the same electrodes after 15 min of subtle shaking at room temperature; D) Dependence of %ΔRct on SΔ19-VSVGFPΔG concentration. Data represent the average of three independent experiments (6–8 repetitions each). Error bars represent ±SD. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)