Table 1.
Demographics of Participating Hospitals
Site | Region | Description | Bed capacity | Provider team caps* | Patient cap description | Utilize APPs |
1 | Western | University quaternary referral center | > 500 | Yes | Varies based on team type | Yes |
2 | Southern | Safety net, county hospital, major referral center | > 500 | Yes | Soft cap—non-teaching teams go to 17 or 18 and then teaching teams with a cap of 15 to 17 | Yes |
3 | Eastern | University-affiliated, community hospital | < 500 | Yes | soft cap, 10 alone, 13 with APP fellow | Yes |
4 | Midwestern | Urban academic medical center, university-affiliated | > 500 | Yes | 15 patient touches per day (non-teaching), teaching averages 10 patients and caps consistent with ACGME rules | Yes |
5 | Eastern | Large academic, tertiary care, urban medical center | > 500 | Yes, depending on team type | Attendings do not have caps; house staff follow ACGME rules | Yes |
6 | Eastern | University-affiliated, quaternary referral center | > 500 | Yes, depending on team type | For teaching service only (cap of 8 in the ED) | No |
7 | Midwestern | University-affiliated academic institution, safety net hospital | > 500 | Yes, depending on team | Teaching service capped at 16, hospitalist team not capped | Yes |
8 | Western | University-affiliated, safety net hospital | < 500 | Yes | Resident services capped at 16 patients per team, direct care hospitalists are capped at 12 | Yes |
9 | Midwestern | Academic medical center, safety net | > 500 | Yes, depending on team type | Academic teams are capped at 15, soft caps for other teams at 15 | Yes |
10 | Southern | University; quaternary referral center | > 500 | No | N/A | Yes |
11 | Southern | University hospital; safety net | < 500 | Yes | Teaching 16; hospitalist plus 2 APPs 18 to 22 | Yes |
12 | Southern | University, partially state funded, quaternary referral center | > 500 | Yes | Teaching has cap of 12 but may extend; 16 soft cap, flex to 18 | Yes |
13 | Southern | Academic; safety net | > 500 | Yes | Non-teaching cap of 15 and 20 if with APP; Teaching team with caps of 18 | Yes |
Regions grouped by the American Hospital Association (AHA) Regions. (accessed January 31, 2021) and then combined into larger regions. Regions 1–3 are referred to as the eastern region, 4 and 7 southern, 5 and 6 midwestern, and 8 and 9 western regions
APP Advanced Practice Provider, ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, ED Emergency Department, N/A not applicable
*Cap definition: there is maximum number of patients a provider will see in a day/shift