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. 2021 Dec 13;37(6):1463–1474. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-07106-8

Table 1.

Demographics of Participating Hospitals

Site Region Description Bed capacity Provider team caps* Patient cap description Utilize APPs
1 Western University quaternary referral center > 500 Yes Varies based on team type Yes
2 Southern Safety net, county hospital, major referral center > 500 Yes Soft cap—non-teaching teams go to 17 or 18 and then teaching teams with a cap of 15 to 17 Yes
3 Eastern University-affiliated, community hospital < 500 Yes soft cap, 10 alone, 13 with APP fellow Yes
4 Midwestern Urban academic medical center, university-affiliated > 500 Yes 15 patient touches per day (non-teaching), teaching averages 10 patients and caps consistent with ACGME rules Yes
5 Eastern Large academic, tertiary care, urban medical center > 500 Yes, depending on team type Attendings do not have caps; house staff follow ACGME rules Yes
6 Eastern University-affiliated, quaternary referral center > 500 Yes, depending on team type For teaching service only (cap of 8 in the ED) No
7 Midwestern University-affiliated academic institution, safety net hospital > 500 Yes, depending on team Teaching service capped at 16, hospitalist team not capped Yes
8 Western University-affiliated, safety net hospital < 500 Yes Resident services capped at 16 patients per team, direct care hospitalists are capped at 12 Yes
9 Midwestern Academic medical center, safety net > 500 Yes, depending on team type Academic teams are capped at 15, soft caps for other teams at 15 Yes
10 Southern University; quaternary referral center > 500 No N/A Yes
11 Southern University hospital; safety net < 500 Yes Teaching 16; hospitalist plus 2 APPs 18 to 22 Yes
12 Southern University, partially state funded, quaternary referral center > 500 Yes Teaching has cap of 12 but may extend; 16 soft cap, flex to 18 Yes
13 Southern Academic; safety net > 500 Yes Non-teaching cap of 15 and 20 if with APP; Teaching team with caps of 18 Yes

Regions grouped by the American Hospital Association (AHA) Regions. (accessed January 31, 2021) and then combined into larger regions. Regions 1–3 are referred to as the eastern region, 4 and 7 southern, 5 and 6 midwestern, and 8 and 9 western regions

APP Advanced Practice Provider, ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, ED Emergency Department, N/A not applicable

*Cap definition: there is maximum number of patients a provider will see in a day/shift