FIG. 5.
Characterized genes whose relative mRNA abundances increase following a transfer to glycerol medium. Total and polysomal RNA levels were analyzed and displayed as described in the legend to Fig. 2. Genes selected for this figure were induced at least threefold at 10 min after a shift to glycerol medium. Exceptions were MIG1, SNF3, APE3, LAP4, PEP4, ULA1, and UBC8, all of which were induced at least 2.5-fold. The induction of YAK1 and YGP1 mRNAs was confirmed in a separate experiment. Grouping of genes was based on data available from the Yeast Protein Database ( Gene names highlighted in red were induced specifically after an abrupt transfer from glucose to glycerol medium, but not during the diauxic shift 13. Glc7p, glycogen synthase phosphatase; TCA, tricarboxylic acid; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid.