Fig. 3.
A: Profiles of MUA on the contralateral side of the ARC during the local injection of NKB in goat #4. The MUA has not been recorded from the ipsilateral side in goat #4. The NKB injection (red line) has not evoked any MUA volley. B: Profiles of MUA on the contralateral side of the ARC during local injection of vehicle control in goat #4. The blue lines indicate the local administration of vehicle to the ipsilateral side and are not affected on MUA. Vehicle injection did not evoke any MUA volley. C: The placement of electrodes and guide cannula in goat #4 that did not detect MUA volleys on the ipsilateral side. The FITC-dextran dispersed area is far from the kisspeptin neurons and their fibers in the ARC. MUA, multiple-unit activity; ARC, arcuate nucleus; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; NKB, neurokinin B; 3V, third ventricle; ME, median eminence.