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. 2021 Nov 23;18:100316. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2021.100316

Table 3.

Parameter estimates and data inputs for the hepatitis C model

Variables Range Sources
Hepatitis C parameters
Spontaneous clearance 26% Micallef et al.32
Duration of acute stage 12 weeks Mondelli et al.33
Treatment effectiveness 95% Lawitz et al., Poorded et al., Gane et al. 3, 4, 5
Annual transition probabilities
F0->F1 10.4-13.0% Thein et al.34 In the model, rates are calibrated between bounds to fit the distribution of liver disease and mortality over time.
F1->F2 7.5-9.6%
F2->F3 10.9-13.3%
F3->F4 10.4-12.9%
F4->DC 3.0-9.2% National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research.35 In the model, rates are calibrated between bounds to fit the distribution of liver disease and mortality over time.
F4->HCC 0.9%-3.8%
DC->HCC 4.1-9.9%
DC->death 7.4-20.2%
HCC->death 54.5-67.6%
F4->DC (post cure) 74% reduced risk Nahon et al.,36 hazard ratio = 0.26 (0.17-0.39) post cure.
DC->HCC (post cure) 71% reduced risk Nahon et al.,36 hazard ratio = 0.29 (0.13-0.43) post cure.
DC->death (post cure) 73% reduced risk Nahon et al.,36 hazard ratio = 0.27 (0.18-0.42) for overall mortality following cure for patents with cirrhosis.
HCC->death (post cure) 73% reduced risk
Direct costs parameters
Ab testing
Cost of test A$15.65 MBS item number 69405.18
Staff cost A$37.60 General practitioner appointment, MBS item number 23.18
Positivity rate 4.1% 4% based on Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS) (ACCESS) data.37 Assumed to decrease to 1% by 2030
RNA testing
Cost of test A$92.20 MBS #69499.18
Staff cost A$37.60 General practitioner appointment, MBS #23.18
Positivity rate 40% pre-2016, assumed to decrease linearly to 10% by 2030 in status-quo and elimination scenarios. Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS) (ACCESS) data.37 Sensitivity analysis used to compare if the positivity rate for RNA tests remained at 40% up to 2030, or if it declined to 5% (instead of 10%).
Drug cost 2016-2020: A$13,190 per DAA course
2021-2025: A$12,500
2026-2030: A$5,000
For 2016-2020, cost per DAA course was estimated as the total A$1.2 billion divided by 90,980 treatments (70,980 from 2016-2018 and an estimated 20,000 from 2019 to 2020 based on current trends).
For 2021-2025, assuming approximate current price is maintained.
For 2026-2030, based on 100 times the cost of generics in low and middle-income countries.
Staff and other pathology costs Time varying: A$1,846 per course in 2016 linearly decreasing to A$1,166 per course in 2021
In 2016 costs include A$462.10 for screening pathology + 38%*A$422.90 non-specialist care human resources + 62%*A$1615.90 specialist care human resources + A$221.24 pharmacy costs.24 Changes over time are based on the percentage of treatments delivered in non-specialist care increasing from 38% in 2016 to 63% in 2018,13 and continuing to increase linearly up to 95% in 2021 (maintained from 2021 onwards).
Disease management
F0-2 A$447 Scott et al..25 Average costs per person per year, including appointment costs and recommended tests.
F3 A$691
F4 A$935
DC A$15,202
HCC A$10,760
Discounting 3.5% per annum Applied to direct costs, productivity losses and quality-adjusted life years.
Health utilities
Acute infection 0.751 (0.718-0.785) Saeed et al. systematic review and meta analysis38
F0-F2 0.751 (0.718-0.785)
F3 0.751 (0.718-0.785)
F4 0.671 (0.630-0.713)
DC 0.602 (0.551-0.653)
HCC 0.662 (0.595-0.730)
Population and epidemiological parameters
15-64 year old population size 15,867,004 at start of 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics.39
PWID population size 2010: 75,830
2011: 76,140
2012: 76,420
2013: 76,670
2014: 76,890
2015: 77,090
2016: 77,270
Kwon et al.40
Additional injecting-related mortality 0.0235 per year Mathers et al.41
Hepatitis C antibody prevalence
PWID 2015: 51% Heard et al.42
General population 1.2% at start of 2016 Hepatitis C Mapping Project National Report.43
Total people with chronic hepatitis C (RNA+) 2015: 188,690*
2016: 160,280*
2017: 143,580
2018: 129,640
Kirby Institute12
*Personal communication
Hepatitis C-related mortality 2009: 460
2015: 740
2018: 410
Incidence 4,126 new infections in 2015 Palmer et al.22
Productivity loss parameters
Employment rate
General Population 65% Participation in workforce, averaged over 2015-2019, Australian Bureau of Statistics.39
PWID 14% Reported employment status averaged over 2015-2019, Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS).29
Lost productivity attributable to hepatitis C
Absenteeism 1.85% Dibonaventura et al.27 US study (Australian study not available). People with hepatitis C had 4.88% absenteeism versus 3.03% for people without hepatitis C.
Presenteeism 3.19% Dibonaventura et al.27 US study. People with hepatitis C had 16.69% presenteeism versus 13.50% for people without hepatitis C.
Additional productivity losses for people with cirrhosis
Absenteeism 2.79 times Younossi et al.28 European study (Australian study not available).
Presenteeism 1.54 times
Relative reduction in absenteeism following hepatitis C cure
Cirrhotic 44% Younossi et al.28
Non-cirrhotic 0%
Relative reduction in presenteeism following hepatitis C cure
Cirrhotic 11% Younossi et al.28
Non-cirrhotic 20%
Per capita gross domestic product A$53,663 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data for Australia.44
Percentage of hepatitis C-related deaths occurring at different age brackets WHO cause-specific disease burden estimates, 2016.45
15-29 years 0.2%
30-49 years 7.5%
50-59 years 16.4%
60+ years 75.8%