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. 2021 Dec 14;414(9):2841–2881. doi: 10.1007/s00216-021-03806-6

Table 2.

Antigenic drift events and associated amino acid substitutions in H3N2 (1968–2015) and H1N1 (1977–2009) seasonal influenza A viruses

Subtype Antigenic drift eventa Predominant amino acid substitution(s) in HA (antibody binding sites)b
H3N2 [71, 7680] HK68→EN72 G144D (A)
EN72→VI75 S145N(A), S193D (B)
VI75→TX77 D53K(C), E82K(E)
TX77→BK79 K156E(B)
BK79→SI87 Y155H(B), K189R(B)
SI87→BE89 G135E(A), N145K(A), N193S(B)
BE89→BE92 E135K(A), K145N(A), E156K(B)
BE92→WU95 N145K(A), G172D(D)
WU95→SY97 K62E(E), K156Q(B), E158K(B)
SY97→FU02 Q156H(B)
FU02→CA04 K145N(A), Y159F(B)
CA04→BR07 S193F(B), D225N (near D)
BR07→PE09 K158N(B), N189K(B)
PE09→TX12 N278K(C), S45N(C)
TX12→SW13 N145S(A), N225D(near D), A138S(A), F159S(B)
TX12→HK14 N145S(A), N225D(near D), N144S(A), F159Y(B), Q311H(C), K160T(B)
H1N1 [81] CH83→SI86 K197T(Sb), K192R(Sb)
SI86→TE91 K82E(Cb)
TE91→BE95 T132V(Near Sa), S273P(Pa)
BE95→NE99 E156G(Sa), S77L(Cb)
NE99→BR07 T197K(Sb), R192M(Sb), K144E(Ca2), S46N(Pb)
NE99→SO06 E276K(Pa), R192K(Sb), K144E(Ca2), Y101H(near Cb)

aFor H3N2 viruses: HK68, A/Hong Kong/1/1968; EN72, A/England/42/1972; VI75, A/Victoria/3/1975; TX77, A/Texas/1/77; BK79, A/Bangkok/01/1979; SI87, A/Sichuan/2/1987; BE89, A/Beijing/352/1989; BE92, A/Beijing/32/1992; WU95, A/Wuhan/359/1995; SY97, A/Sydney/5/1997; FU02, A/Fujian/411/2002; CA04, A/California/07/2004; BR07, A/Brisbane/59/2007; PE09, A/Perth/16/2009; TX12, A/Texas/50/2012; SW13, A/Switzerland/9715293/2013; HK14, A/Hong Kong/4801/2014. For H1N1 viruses: CH83, A/Chile/1/83; SI86, A/Singapore/6/1986; TE91, A/Texas/36/91 BE95, A/Beijing/262/95; NE99, A/New Caledonia/20/1999; BR07, A/Brisbane/59/2007; SO06, A/Solomon Islands/3/2006

bAll positions are under H3 numbering