CUG clade Candida species exhibit a conserved response to phagocytosis. (A) The relationship of the CUG clade species characterized in this study, as well as two non-CUG clade species, is depicted as adapted from a previously described phylogenetic tree (13). Virulence-related phenotypes are indicated by colored boxes, with darker colors indicating more virulent/prevalent. Comparisons are strictly qualitative. Data are from references 2, 9, 12, 33, 96, and 97. (B) Principal-component analysis of mean-centered, log-transformed mapped fragment counts of orthologous groups of genes across species. The 1,000 genes with the highest variance in transformed counts were selected for analysis. (C) The same gene set used in panel B ranked by the loading of principal component (PC) 1. The 10% most negatively (left) and positively (right) contributing genes were analyzed for functional groupings as depicted in the pie charts for repressed (left) and induced (right) genes.