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. 2021 Nov 30;8:736272. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.736272


Unpaired t-test of the quantitative proteomic results for protein expression in the T2DM + CRC group in comparison with the control and T2DM groups.

Proteins T2DM + CRC vs NC T2DM + CRC vs T2DM
Fold change p Value Fold change p Value
B2MG 1.589 0.004 1.257 0.031
FTO −1.592 0.000 −1.162 0.101
HBG1 −1.924 0.050 −1.822 0.144
KIF5A/KIF5C/KINHa −1.543 0.025 −1.423 0.004
KRT81/KRT83/KRT85/KRT86 a 2.611 0.009 1.730 0.017
LV211 1.840 0.003 1.563 0.129
LV218 1.660 0.041 2.067 0.015
MDN1 2.757 0.008 2.274 0.032
PZP 2.194 0.039 3.032 0.027
SHBG −1.961 0.009 −1.469 0.217
ZGRF1/YD002 a −1.527 0.002 −1.364 0.084

NC, healthy participant.


These proteins were excluded from subsequent analysis due to their nonspecificity.