Amplifying kinematic self-replication. Due to surface tension, reconfigurable organisms naturally develop into ciliated spheroids, but they can be sculpted into nonspheroidal morphologies manually during development to realize more complex body shapes. Progenitor shapes were evolved in silico to maximize the number of self-replication rounds before halting. (A) Shapes often converge to an asymmetrical semitoroid (C-shape; pink) with a single narrow mouth in which dissociated cells (green) can be captured, transported, and aggregated. This evolved shape was fabricated and released in vivo (B), recapitulating the behavior observed in silico (A). Offspring built by wild-type spheroids (C) were smaller than those built by the semitoroids (D), regardless of the size and aspect ratios of the spheroids, and across different concentrations of dissociated cells (E). The maximum of two rounds of self-replication achieved by the spheroids (F) was extended by the semitoroids to a maximum of four rounds (G). (Scale bars, 500 μm.)