The FA site allosterically affects the furin cleavage/recognition site, the fusion peptide proximal region (FPPR), and the residues immediately preceding the S2′ cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 spike. Average Cα-positional deviations around the first FA site at times 0, 0.1, 1, 3 and 5 ns following LA removal from the FA binding pockets. This figure shows the response around the first FA binding site, which is formed by monomers A and C. A similar response is observed for all three monomers (see Figs. S18-S19 for the responses observed for the other two FA sites). Analogous connections between the other two FA sites and the furin cleavage/recognition sites, FPPR and S2′ cleavage sites are also observed (Figs. S17-S18). For more details, see the legend of Fig. 3.