Table 5.
RiPE | Contextualization in the EC |
Reliability |
MIM using Telegram provides easy access and has added privacy features of the data shared. EC1 was also designed to gather feedback on the privacy and confidentiality agreement using students' data and Telegram account details. Example: "Next, we understand that using SMS is going to be expensive for you. Hence, we choose to use Telegram as you will be able to use any WIFI system or data available. Telegram cloud services and enhanced security system will also provide privacy and confidentiality" "So, @results.nick_name, do you agree to use Telegram as a method for contacting you? All your data will be private and confidential and be used only for this study. None of your personal details will be made public in term of knowledge dissemination 1 = Yes, 2 = No" |
Next, feedback for continuous improvement was established in EC7 on acceptance. Example interaction: “Well, that's interesting…. what don’t you like about it?” | |
The EC also allows users to come back to any interaction by using keywords, example interaction: "Well, I guess you are busy so anytime you need my help just type "/report" and I will be here to help you" | |
interpersonal communication |
The ECs were designed to mimic interpersonal communication. Example interactions are: “Ohh…that's too bad. What do you think are the issues you are facing?” “I would like to help you better. Do you see issues in teamwork?” “Hi there @contact.first_name, I noticed you didn't answer the questions yet. I (QMT212 Bot) have been contacting you for a bit now. So, I would like to know how you feel about me and your overall perception of using Telegrams Bots for learning.” |
The communications were also personalized by using nicknames (@results.nick_name) and first names (@contact.first_name) | |
Learning |
Learning contents were designed to be specific to the subject. Example interactions: "Some example subtopic topics that should be added are: i. Gagnes 9 Events of Instructions ii. Instructional Strategies iii. Formative Assessment Would you like to have more information about these subtopics?" |
Similarly, active learning promoting reflection, metacognition, and communication. Example: | |
“How do you feel about the prototype product your group has developed to date?” | |
The EC also enables students to receive notification, contents, and guidelines, examples are: "Hi @contact.first_name, it is time to complete Assignment 1. This is a group work where you are asked to describe your product's initial phase (proposal). You will have to integrate what you have studied to date into this proposal" "That's great. Next, these videos may be helpful in understanding how to complete the assignment. The deadline for your submission will be on @ date.assignment1. Good Luck!!!" | |
The EC was also used as a platform for peer-to-peer assessment where the feedback was privately delivered through email to the respective individuals confidentially. Example interaction: "Hi @contact.first_name, thank you for deciding to rate your friends. Your feedback is confidential and will be emailed personally to the group members for improvement" | |
Experience |
Realistic humanized communication with affective interaction through greeting using users name and nickname, inspirational quotes and empathy were also designed such as: "Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life."—Amy Poehler “Thank you. I am sure you will do an excellent job @contact.first_name!!” “Thank you @results.nick_name. As you know I am a bot, and I can't identify if you are a Male/ Female by your name. Therefore, can you let me know your gender? 1: Male 2: Female” "Interesting……..That looks like a beautiful artwork Picasso !!!!" "Do you know that you can use Autodraw to design a unique logo for your products?" |