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. 2021 Dec 3;1074:191–214. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1074.76235
1 Elytral disc broadly, deeply transversely impressed with a saddle-like depression from scutellum to declivital base; declivity deeply sulcate, its margins costate; elytral bases slightly emarginated to accommodate a prominent and dense mycangial tuft 2
Elytral disc either medially impressed and appearing humped, or flat, or broadly convex; declivity round or flat or convex; elytral bases not emarginated and mycangial tuft minute, either not readily apparent or lightly setose 3
2 Elytral base emargination broadly recurved; elytral disc shallowly depressed; declivital summit armed with a pair of large tubercles at interstriae 1; punctures on declivity distinct and broad; larger species, 3.0–3.1 mm cruralis
Elytral base emargination broadly V-shaped; elytral disc deeply depressed, more deeper posteriorly; interstriae 1 on declivital summit without a pair of large tubercles; punctures on declivital face small and indistinct; smaller species, 2.12 mm exsculptus
3 Posterolateral margin of elytra smoothly rounded, without any indication of a costa or carina 4
Posterolateral margin of elytra marked by an elevated costa or carina 5
4 Elytral lateral margin tapering posteriorly from the middle to apex; elytral apex acute; minute species, 1.12–1.24 mm nanus
Elytral lateral margin subparallel, broadly tapering posteriorly; apex broadly rounded, not acute; larger species, 1.60 mm globodeclivis sp. nov.
5 Declivity obliquely truncate; posterolateral declivital margin rounded and denticulate 6
Declivity rounded; posterolateral declivital margin costate or carinate, with or without granules 9
6 Declivital interstriae 2 and 3 strongly laterally broadened from base to de­clivital midpoint and then narrowing towards apex latesalebrinus
Declivital interstriae parallel from base to apex, never laterally broadened 7
7 Denticles on declivital summit and margins larger and more sharply acute than those on declivital face kirishimanus
Denticles on declivital summit of equal size and shape as those on declivital face 8
8 Denticles on declivital summit as dense as those on declivital face; declivital face opalescent, subshiny nudibrevis
Denticles on declivital summit denser than those on declivital face; declivital face shagreened, dull perparvus
9 Larger, 2.55–2.95 mm 10
Smaller, 1.2–2.1 mm 12
10 Stout, 1.93–2.19× as long as wide; elytral posterolateral margin strongly carinate and unarmed fulvulus
Elongate, 2.5–2.9× as long as wide; elytral posterolateral margin costate and granulate 11
11 Declivital strial punctures very large, distinct chrysophylli
Declivital strial punctures small, indistinct corporaali
12 Declivity with granules, denticles or tubercles distinctly less abundant than strial punctures 13
Declivity with abundant granules or denticles, at least as abundant as strial punctures 19
13 Elytral disc shallowly transversely impressed with a saddle-like impression 14
Elytral disc without a depression 15
14 Discal impression deeper, antero-posteriorly narrower, with steeper anterior and posterior slopes, strial punctures on impression with rounded granules; interstrial spines on disc behind impression stronger and backwardly hooked sagmatus
Discal impression shallower, antero-posteriorly broader, with gentler anterior and posterior slopes, strial punctures on impression without granules; interstrial tubercles on disc behind impression moderate with rounded apices pointing dorsally undulatus
15 Declivital tubercles uniformly sized 16
Declivital tubercles not uniformly sized, 1–2 pairs of larger tubercles on declivital interstriae 3 17
16 Posterolateral declivital margin carinate, unarmed alpha
Posterolateral declivital margin costate and denticulate bucolicus sp. nov.
17 Declivity steeply rounded, declivital interstriae 1 bearing 1–2 small tubercles on declivital face; larger, 1.9–2.0 mm recidens
Declivity gradually rounded, declivital interstriae 1 unarmed on declivital face; smaller, 1.66–1.76 mm 18
18 Declivital interstriae 3 with two pairs of prominent denticles; posterior half of elytral disc rugose with deeply impressed striae and costate interstriae, interstriae bearing strong incurved spines that become more prominent toward declivital summit serratus sp. nov.
Declivital interstriae 3 with one pair of prominent tubercles; posterior half of elytral disc smooth, striae and interstriae flush, interstriae with a few small tubercles at summit bidentatus sp. nov.
19 Elytral disc convex on basal 1/3, appearing humped in lateral view 20
Elytral disc flat, never appearing humped 22
20 Declivital interstriae densely covered with short semi-erect scales kadoyamaensis
Declivital interstriae densely covered with long fine, erect hair-like setae 21
21 Antennal club flat, type 3 with two sutures visible on apical 1/3 of posterior face; larger, declivity smooth, shiny; larger, 1.95–2.0 mm and more elongate, 2.79–2.86× as long as wide minax
Antennal club obliquely truncate, type 2 with segment 1 almost covering posterior face (Fig. 2); one suture visible on posterior face near apex; declivity shagreened, dull; smaller, 1.8–1.9 mm and less elongate, 2.57–2.71× as long as wide nugax
22 Antennal club flat, type 3 with two sutures visible on apical 1/3 of posterior face (Fig. 3 diversicolor
Antennal club obliquely truncate, type 2 with segment 1 almost covering posterior face; one suture visible on posterior face near apex 23
23 Declivital interstrial granules dispersed, separated by the width of at least three granules; posterolateral margin of declivity weakly carinate and granulate; interstrial vestiture consisting of short semi-erect bristles, shorter in length than the width of an interstria; smaller, 1.2–1.7 mm pometianus
Declivital interstrial granules dense, separated by the width of one granule; posterolateral margin of declivity strongly carinate; interstrial vestiture consisting of long semi-erect hair-like setae, longer in length than the width of an interstria (easily abraded); larger, 1.8–2.0 mm quercicola