Figure 5.
Inter- and intra-individual variability of subgingival microbiome composition and the predicted gene functions. (a) Relative abundance of microbiome at the phylum level across samples. (b) Relative abundance of the predicted gene functions across samples. (c) Bray–Curtis distances for “Organismal” (microbial composition) or “Functional” (metagenomic potential) were calculated between all subgingival samples and the centroids indicated (Global, Subject-Specific, or Pocket-Specific). “Global” distances indicate the distances from samples to the centroid of all samples. “Subject-Specific” distances are the distances between all samples from the same subject and the centroid for that subject. “Pocket-Specific” distances indicate the distances between all temporal samples from the same subgingival pocket and the centroid of that pocket. The median and interquartile range (IQR) are shown as boxplots. Whiskers show 1.5 * IQR and hollow points are outliers.