Fig. 9. Metabolic drug sensitivity profiles are generally comparable between myeloid cancer patient samples and cell lines.
a A volcano plot depicting the comparison of 70 drug responses between 15 myeloid cancer patient samples and 15 myeloid cancer cell lines. Each point represents one drug and statistical significance was assessed by Mann–Whitney test for each drug. The log2 AUC (fold change) is plotted on the x-axis and negative log10 of the adjusted P values (using the two-stage step-up Benjamini, Krieger, and Yekutieli correction) is plotted on the y-axis. The horizontal dotted line signifies the 5% significance cutoff. Colored dots indicate drugs that exhibit higher sensitivity in either patient samples (red) or cell lines (blue). b Spearman correlation of drug response profiles between myeloid leukemia patient samples and cell lines. Drugs that were highlighted to strongly contribute to the cell line grouping are marked in green. c Heatmap of metabolic drug sensitivity profiles expressed as AUC in 12 AML and 3 CML patient samples. Clustering was performed with the complete linkage method and Spearman (drugs) and Euclidean (patient samples) distance measures. The color bars to the left and above show sample annotations with gray box depicting data not available and white box depicting no mutation detected. Drug AUC distribution (min to max) box plot is shown on the right side of the graph with the black line in the middle of box depicting the median (the mean is indicated with a + sign).