Fig. 6. Clinical utility of 0.055 T MRI for examining tumor and trauma patients.
Total scan time was ~30 mins for T1W, T2W, FLAIR and DWI protocols for each patient at 0.055 T. Both patients were scanned by 3 T MRI on the same day using the standard T1W, T2W, FLAIR and DWI brain protocols (~20 mins total scan time) for comparison. a Patient (75 yrs. old; female) with an extra-axial mass (i.e., meningioma) at the right parietal cortex. Both 0.055 T and 3 T images showed that the tumor mass was hypointense in T1W and hyperintense in T2W. b Patient (64 yrs. old; male) with subdural effusion (i.e., collection of cerebrospinal fluid, CSF, trapped between the surface of the brain and the dura matter) due to previous head trauma. The subdural collection with sulci obliteration showing as a bright signal in T2W images (indicated by red arrows) was visible at bilateral fronto-parietal regions.