Fig. 3. Knockdown of LUC7L2 promoted radiosensitivity of NPC-radioresistant cells.
A Cell viability assessment on radioresistance of Hone1 and Hone1IR cells. Hone1IR (6 Gy) vs. Hone1 (6 Gy), n = 5, P < 0.01. B Western blot validation on the establishment of CNE2IR and Hone1IR cell lines with stable LUC7L2 knockdown. β-actin served as a loading control. C and D, Clonogenic survival analysis on the radioresistance of shNEG and shLUC7L2 in NPC cells. The colony formation in shNEG or shLUC7L2 without IR was regarded as 100%, respectively. shLUC7L2 (6 Gy) vs. shNEG (6 Gy), n = 3, P < 0.05.