Fig. 1. Estimates of the selection parameter s for United Kingdom (UK), Netherlands (NL), and Japan (JP) and variants D614G, B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and R.1.
The black dots indicate log-likelihood estimates of the fitted stochastic epidemiological model with the corresponding fixed value of s, and the black curve is a smoothing spline through these log-likelihoods (see Methods). The dashed line shows the maximum-likelihood estimate, and the gray box shows the 95% CI. The red intervals show the estimates from the population-genetic model for these countries, with median 90% and 95% CrI (cf. Fig. 5). A D614G in the United Kingdom; B B.1.1.7 in the United Kingdom; C R.1 in Japan; D D614G in the Netherlands; E B.1.1.7 in the Netherlands; and F B.1.351 in the Netherlands.