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. 2021 Dec 14;11:23962. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03372-y

Table 2.

Multivariate ANOVA results (Wilks λ) of the structured behavioral variables excluding the NP-LP paradigm (see text for details).

Variables Wilk’s λ F (dfeffect, dferror) p value
Motivational: 5CSRTT-ITI, 5CSRTTomiss%, coop-ITI, PJ-#jumps, hor.act 0.5703 3.1645 (5,21) 0.0277
Success: 5CSRTTrew, cooprew, MWM#esc, PJ-ld 0.7289 2.0452 (4,22) 0.1229
Efficacy: 5CSRTTcorr%, coop-ITI%, MWMlat, PJ-ldeff 0.7438 1.8946 (4,22) 0.1472

5CSRTT-IT, coop-IT: number of initiated trials in the 5-CSRTT and cooperation task, respectively; 5CSRTTomiss%: percent missed trials in the 5-CSRTT; PJ-#jumps: number of jumps in the pot jumping test; hor.act.: activity in the motimeter; 5CSRTTrew, cooprew: number of pellets earned in the 5-CSRTT and cooperation task, respectively; MWM#esc: number of trials with successful escape in the MWM; PJ-ld: longest distance jumped in the pot jumping test; 5CSRTTcorr%, coop-ITI%: percent rewarded trials out of all in the 5-CSRTT and cooperation task, respectively; MWMlat: escape latency in the MWM; PJ-ldeff: jumping efficacy in the pot jumping test.