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. 2020 Dec 9;41:100953. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100953

Table A.3.

Estimated cumulative mortality at 21 and 42 days after 1st case, using average of county non-hispanic black population shares to define above and below.

At 21 days
At 42 days
Unadjusted Adjusted Unadjusted Adjusted
Above Average 0.028** 0.021** 0.118** 0.076**
% Black (0.009) (0.003) (0.026) (0.009)

Below Average 0.014** 0.016** 0.045** 0.056**
% Black (0.002) (0.002) (0.005) (0.007)

Relative Rate 1.929 1.288 2.623** 1.356**
(0.378) (0.215) (0.560) (0.214)

N 2710 2710 2710 2710

Estimates are predicted rates after Poisson regression reported with robust standard errors clustered at the state level. Regression adjusted estimates include all covariates listed in Table 1 and the natural log of time elapsed since first case (in days). Statistical significance of predicted rates is with respect to a null hypothesis of 0. Statistical significance of relative rates is with respect to a null hypothesis of 1.0.

