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. 2021 Dec 1;8:735276. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.735276
P: so the diagnosis is?
GP: yes, I think it's just a viral infection
Patient asks what the diagnosis is. GP gives a viral diagnosis.
P: yes, a lot of people
GP: yes, there are a lot of people flu-ish this week. Well okay, it's not the flu yet, but feverish-
P: yes I am too, it really feels like, cold-warm, cold-warm all the time. I don't know, I'm sweating so hard. So, yes, that's how I feel
Patient recognizes the symptoms.
GP: yes, yes. But you can't do more than recuperate a bit. You already have, you have all the home remedies that you need. Euhm, I can't really add, euhm, yeah, take it easy for a few days GP indicates that rest is the best option and confirms that the patient's current symptomatic treatment is adequate
P: but definitely no antibiotics? Patient questions if she needs antibiotics.
GP: no, it looks very much like a viral infection. That's also how your throat looks, huh: your throat looks very red
P: ah ok
GP arguments why antibiotics are not necessary and links it with the physical examination. Patient accepts.

(GP11, female, 39y, P37, female, 42y, URTI).