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. 2021 Nov 10;11(12):e32400. doi: 10.1002/brb3.2400


Summary of fMRI results during the contrasts A versus P and P versus A

Reactive aggression (A) versus social positive (P)
Anatomical structure involved VIOL CON CONJ Explanation
Precentral gyrus L R VIOL left‐ and CON right‐hemispheric
Superior frontal gyrus L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap
Medial frontal gyrus L R VIOL left‐ and con right‐hemispheric
Inferior frontal gyrus L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap
Between insula, IFG and precentral gyrus L Only CON left‐lateral
Cingulate gyrus L L L Both groups with overlap
Insula L L Both groups left‐lateral; different sub‐regions
Postcentral gyrus L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap
Between postcentral G. and paracentral L. R Only CON right lateral
Superior parietal lobule L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap
Inferior parietal lobule L L/R L VIOL only left‐lateral with overlap
Precuneus L Only CON left‐lateral
Fusiform gyrus R L/R L/R Both groups "bi‐lateral" with overlap *)
Middle occipital gyrus L Only CON left‐lateral
Superior temporal gyrus R R L/R Both groups "right‐lateral" with overlap *)
Middle temporal gyrus L L/R L VIOL only left‐lateral with overlap
Inferior temporal gyrus L/R R L/R Both groups "bi‐lateral" with overlap *)
Parahippocampal gyrus/amygdala R Only CON right‐lateral
Uncus/amygdala L Only CON left‐lateral
Uncus L Only CON left‐lateral
Between caudate/caudate tail and PHG L L Both groups "left‐lateral" with overlap *)
Brainstem/midbrain L L/R VIOL only left‐lateral; different sub‐regions
Brainstem/pons R Only CON right‐lateral
Lentiform nucleus/medial globus pallidus L Only VIOL left‐lateral
Lentiform nucleus/lateral globus pallidus R Only VIOL right‐lateral
Thalamus L Only VIOL left‐lateral
Thalamus/pulvinar L Only CON left‐lateral
Between thalamus and caudate head R R Both groups "right‐lateral" with overlap *)
Cerebellum/anterior lobe/culmen L/R L/R R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap right‐lateral
Cerebellum/posterior lobe/declive L/R L L/R Both groups "bi‐lateral" with overlap *)
Cerebellum/posterior lobe/tuber R Only VIOL right‐lateral
Cerebellum/posterior lobe/uvula L Both groups overlap "left‐lateral" *)
Social positive (P) versus reactive aggression (A)
Anatomical structure involved VIOL CON CONJ Explanation
Precentral gyrus L/R Only VIOL bi‐lateral
Superior frontal gyrus R L/R R VIOL only right‐lateral with overlap
Medial frontal gyrus R L/R VIOL only right; different sub‐regions
Middle frontal gyrus L/R L/R R Both groups bi‐lateral; only right‐lat. overlap
Anterior cingulate R Only VIOL right‐lateral
Cingulate gyrus R R R Both groups right‐lateral with overlap
Posterior cingulate L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap
Insula L/R Only VIOL bi‐lateral
Postcentral gyrus R Only VIOL right‐lateral
Inferior parietal lobule R R Both groups "right‐lateral" with overlap *)
Precuneus L L/R L VIOL only left‐lateral with overlap
Superior occipital gyrus L L Both groups "left‐lateral" with overlap *)
Cuneus L L L/R Both groups left‐lateral with "bi‐lat." overlap *)
Lingual gyrus L R Only VIOL left‐lateral and CON right‐lateral
Fusiform gyrus L L L Both groups left‐lateral with overlap
Superior temporal gyrus L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap
Middle temporal gyrus L/R L CON only left‐lateral; different sub‐regions
Inferior temporal gyrus L L/R L CON only left‐lateral with overlap
Parahippocampal gyrus L/R L/R L/R Both groups bi‐lateral with overlap

Note. List of brain regions showing at least one focus of activation for the contrast A versus P (upper panel) and P versus A (lower panel), separately for violent individuals (VIOL), controls (CON) and the conjunction (CONJ) between both groups. L means left hemispheric and R means right hemispheric foci in the respective anatomical regions.

*) = Within‐group‐ and conjunction analyses produce an inconsistent picture due to the different underlying statistical complexities of the applied algorithms (t‐test vs. conjunction analyses). Detailed information about coordinates and t‐values are listed in an online supporting document in Tables S1 and S2.