Figure 4.
BCG-induced DNA methylation changes. a PCA of the overall DNA methylome data (n=4 participants). Unstimulated pre-vaccination (open symbols) and post vaccination (closed symbols) samples. b Pathway enrichment for DMGs derived from hypomethylated CpGs. c Scatter plot representing the overlap of hypermethylated, hypomethylated, upregulated and downregulated genes post-vaccination. The vertical dotted lines represent the cut-off value of mmd ≥ |0.02| and the horizontal dotted lines represent the log2 expression value cut-off ≥ |1|. d Pathway enrichment analysis of overlapping significant DEGs and DMGs using the KEGG database The Gene Set Enrichment Analysis was performed using the 2000 permutations and Benjamini Hochberg-corrected p-value < 0.05 on the common gene list with mmd values. The resulting map of enriched pathways using KEGG database in different combinations of DMGs and DEGs is shown. Edge width indicates the number of significant pathways involved with the corresponding DMG-DEG list.