MTB300 peptide pool stimulation has a small impact on BCG vaccination. a PCA depicting variation in global gene expression as a result of stimulation condition and vaccination. Empty and filled circles represent the pre- and post-vaccination time points, respectively, and colour represents stimulation condition (n=7). b Paired point graphs depicting magnitude of responses (sum of IFNγ, IL-5, and IL-10) pre- and post-vaccination, against MTB300, as SFC per 106 cultured PBMC. Each point and symbol represent one participant (n=12), median ± interquartile range is shown. (Wilcoxon matched pair signed rank test). c Bar plots representing the total number of differentially expressed genes pre- and post-vaccination. Empty and filled bars represent pre- and post-vaccination, respectively, color represents up or down regulation, and hatched filling represents overlap of genes between the pre and post time points. d Scatterplot of genes upregulated upon MTB300 stimulation in pre-vaccination (x-axis) and post-vaccination (y-axis). Each dot represents the log2 fold change for a gene, and color represents shared (gene significantly differentially expressed in both pre- and post-vaccination) or unique (differentially expressed in only one condition) expression. Black line at the 45° slope represents identical perturbation in pre- and post-vaccination, with genes above or below the line showing higher perturbation in the post- or pre-group, respectively. e Pathway enrichment for genes with higher log2 fold changes post vaccination. The ten most significant pathways are shown. f Pathway enrichment for genes with higher log2 fold changes pre vaccination.