Characteristic |
Age mean (SD) |
21.7 (4.0) |
Gender |
Male |
29.3 |
Female |
70.7 |
Living arrangements |
Alone |
13.9 |
With friends or a partner |
19.8 |
With parents or family member |
66.1 |
Financial aid scholarship |
None |
59.5 |
Scholarship |
40.5 |
Home location |
Urban area |
59.4 |
Rural area |
40.6 |
Access to an outside area |
No access |
17.2 |
Private balcony, courtyard or terrace |
15.5 |
Private domestic garden |
60.1 |
Courtyard or garden for collective use |
7.3 |
Difficulty isolating at home |
Yes |
25.1 |
No |
74.9 |
Tensions and conflicts at home |
Yes |
28.3 |
No |
71.7 |
Noises outside the home |
Yes |
23.5 |
No |
76.5 |
Noises inside the home |
Yes |
19.8 |
No |
80.2 |
Part-time job |
None |
69.6 |
Activity interrupted during the lockdown |
14.4 |
Activity increased during the lockdown |
7.7 |
No change during the lockdown |
8.3 |
Someone infected with SARS-COV2 at home |
No |
84.4 |
Confirmed and hospitalized cases |
0.7 |
Confirmed and non-hospitalized cases |
3.7 |
Suspected cases |
11.2 |
Relative or acquaintance infected with SARS-COV2 |
No |
49.6 |
Confirmed and hospitalized cases |
12.0 |
Confirmed and non-hospitalized cases |
22.4 |
Suspected cases |
16.0 |