1. What is a determinant? |
2. What makes a determinant a social determinant? |
3. Are health care and public health SDOH? |
4. Can SDOH be harmful and/or beneficial? |
5. What about an SDOH makes it a “structural” determinant? What distinguishes structural from non-structural determinants? |
6. What is the relationship of SDOH to other, non social (e.g., biological, psychological, environmental) causes? |
7. What is the causal flow of SDOH and other determinants of health? |
8. Is the cause of a SDOH also an SDOH, and, conversely, are all events caused by SDOH also SDOH? |
9. Are there basic, fundamental causes? |
10. Should we count as SDOH only those determinants that we can, at least in theory, modify? |