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. 2009 Sep 9;11(10):549–554. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2009.00164.x


 Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Patients With and Without the Metabolic Syndrome

Groups Control Group Metabolic Syndrome Group
No. 19 20
Age, y 49.32±8.69 47.10±9.81
Women, % 47.4 50
ΔK, mEq/L −0.69±−0.35 −0.29±−0.27a
Status Baseline Post‐HCT Baseline Post‐HCT
 Body mass index, kg/m2 24.58±2.58 24.54±2.60 34.01±3.39a 33.88±3.53a
 Waist circumference, cm 82.89±6.64 82.42±6.84 110.65±9.78a 110.50±9.81a
 Heart rate, bpm 73.84±8.45 71.05±8.91 76.65±8.72 77.65±5.62a
 Systolic BP, mm Hg 141.89±10.70 132.16±12.66b 139.45±7.41 130.50±11.41b
 Diastolic BP, mm Hg 93,42±3.02 88.42±7.43b 91.85±5.60 88.05±4.78b
 Plasma K, mEq/L 4,50±0.28 3.80±0.31b 4.24±0.31a 3.95±0.38b
 PA, ng/dL 15.44±7.53 20.90±12.12 16.25±6.87 28.67±15.00b
 PRA, ng/mL/h 1.14±1.00 3.30±4.12b 0.90±0.85 2.35±1.72b
 Glucose 0 min, mg/dL 91.26±13.25 100.53±24.04 94.70±11.22 101.20±10.77b
 Glucose 120 min, mg/dL 95.21±29.90 107.74±34.43b 117.05±16.23a 130.40±27.11a,b
 Insulin 0 min, μU/mL 5.78±3.17 6.74±4.31 9.31±3.30a 10.38±3.30a
 Insulin 120 min, μU/mL 35.12±30.10 46.92±35.16 67.61±44.82a 69.54±43.21
 Plasma creatinine, mg/dL 1.02±0.12 1.06±0.17 1.00±0.12 1.00±0.16
 Total cholesterol, mg/dL 195.16±32.74 200.90±44.51 201.30±39.87 201.30±41.49
 HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 58.42±12.35 58.32±17.07 49.90±15.58a 47.55±12.47a
 LDL cholesterol, mg/dL 114.53±28.39 118.53±39.30 118.90±29.33 119.35±30.01
 Triglycerides, mg/dL 100.32±38.93 120.42±48.89 156.55±74.01a 172.25±78.54a
 Triglycerides/HDL ratio 1.84±1.00 2.30±1.39b 3.35±1.69a 3.80±2.00a,b
 Uric acid, mg/dL 4.87±1.03 5.62±1.38b 5.48±1.35 6.13±1.57b
 Urine volume, mL 1478.68±531.96 1401.58±668.04 1678.90±785.57 1337.25±498.75
 Urinary K, mEq/24 h 51.07±28.89 40.62±26.58 52.23±25.10 39.51±14.80b

Abbreviations: 0 min, fasting on the oral glucose tolerance test; 120 min, 120 minutes after glucose load on the oral glucose tolerance test; BP, blood pressure; bpm, beats per minute; HCT, hydrochlorothiazide; HDL, high‐density lipoprotein; K, potassium; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein; PA, plasma aldosterone; PRA, plasma renin activity. Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. a P<.05 vs control group. b P<.05 vs baseline.