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. 2021 Nov 23;84(3):1039–1055. doi: 10.3233/JAD-215085

Table 7.

Determinants of attention/speed at the end of study: LnTrail_Making_B_2, placebo group*

Variable (n = 82–112) Pearson correlation Multiple regression#
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
β p β p β p β p β p
LntHcy_1 0.21 0.033 0.08 0.389 0.11 0.277 0.11 0.256 0.08 0.439
LnFe_1 –0.10 0.342 –0.21 0.016 –0.13 0.225 –0.08 0.459
–0.11$ 0.246$
LnSi_1 –0.04 0.727 –0.23 0.014 –0.15 0.181 –0.09 0.399
–0.18$ 0.082$
LnAl_1 –0.03 0.759 0.18 0.039 0.19 0.036 0.21 0.022
0.19$ 0.049 $ 0.23$ 0.023 $
LnBrain Volume_1 –0.37 0.001 –0.17$ 0.110$ –0.16$ 0.137$
LnAtrophy_rate 0.11 0.327
Trail_Making_B_1 0.66 0.000 0.66 0.000 0.67 0.000 0.67 0.000 0.62 0.000
Age 0.30 0.002 NS NS NS NS
F = 12.0, F = 10.4, F = 10.8, F = 12.8,
p = 0.000, p = 0.000, p = 0.000, p = 0.000,
Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted
R2 = 0.46, R2 = 0.46, R2 = 0.46 R2 = 0.44
0.55$ 0.56$

*Ln, natural logarithm; _1, baseline; _2, end of study: NS, not significant. #Adjusted for LntHcy_1, LnCys_1, age, and sex. $Models with LnBrain_Volume_1. Not significant in models w/o Al. Note: Trail_Making_B_2 score indicates worse cognitive performance.